
I deeply regret having done spirituality withouth doing basic survival stuff

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12 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Right now 99% of my day consist of getting stressed out to do my job and the rest of the day trying to get a new job. So now basically I literally spend 100% of my cognitive energy of my day on survival stuff! Before I had no job so I could spent maybe 30% in studying so the 70% left I could contemplate, meditate...etc.

Are you sure that you havent covered the "basic survival stuff"? If you have a job (even though you hate it), and you can pay your bills, have shelter and food and water, don't you have covered survival?


Right now 99% of my day consist of getting stressed out to do my job

Why are you stressed about your job? Is that something you could work on? By all means, if you hate it, try to find a new job. But also try to accept your current situation.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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I agree with @electroBeam. There is no reason why you can't do spirituality and go to college and have a job for example. Spirituality is a 24/7 thing for me. To me you shouldn't waste time being unawakened, your spirit is #1

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Here's a great place to start for those wanting to go from A-L - https://www.selfdevelopmentsecrets.com/best-self-help-books/#:~:text=30 Best Self Help Books | Top Personal,that you should develop. ... More items...

Think of it like a Pyramid (Maslow...) once you awaken you don't necessarily 'lose' all of your Self-Help, Relationship, Business, Health work etc, it just evolves further and develops consciously, unless you want to live in a monastery of course. 

Spirituality and Self-Help AREN'T MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE!! You can do BOTH! If anything, it's more powerful that way. 

The best advice would be to figure out where your biggest struggles are in life first, then target that area to begin with. 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Not even close.

Do you still agree with the "think positively" self-improvement idea, Tony Robbins style that you were teaching at the begining? I think it conflict a lot with the "accept reality whatever that is" teaching. If I feel anxiety because of a tomorrow´s job interview wouldn´t be better to just accet that I am a anxious person and I cannot change it instead of trying to turn the anxiety into something positive? It doesn´t work anyway, I don´t think I can swift my deep feeelings just with some positive thoughs, they are deeply root into chilldhood trauma. It´s not about thinkink, this anxiety accompanies me in my dreams, it is very rooted. The only solution I see is that sometime some trip, bionergetic session or something release deep shit and "change my operative system".

Edited by RedLine

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9 minutes ago, RedLine said:

Do you still agree with the "think positively" self-improvement idea, Tony Robbins style that you were teaching at the begining? I think it conflict a lot with the "accept reality whatever that is" teaching. If I feel anxiety because of a tomorrow´s job interview wouldn´t be better to just accet that I am a anxious person and I cannot change it instead of trying to turn the anxiety into something positive?

In your example, you can certainly train yourself to let go of anxiety and replace with positive vision and confidence. That's a very important technique to learn.

Telling yourself that you cannot change silly anxiety like that is a victim mindset.

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@Leo Gura More than a self-help teacher, I see you as a creative artist who expresses himself. You don't really focus on telling people what to do per se, rather you give them ideas that they can use to figure stuff out for themselves. You focus a lot lesser nowadays on selling yourself, the value of your work is pure artistic value.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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I’m awake to my being and have the ability to rest there. In daily life It helps me a lot with avoiding burning out, no need of short term pleasures(makes me ״productive”) and increases my happiness.(I don’t really need anything else)
If it was my permanent state I believe that it would give me also emotional mastery(To be able to deal with any stressful situation)

Is it a delusion?(Regarding to the emotional mastery)

Isn’t it overcomes most of self help/fundamentals?

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1 hour ago, krazzer said:

Are you sure that you havent covered the "basic survival stuff"? If you have a job (even though you hate it), and you can pay your bills, have shelter and food and water, don't you have covered survival?

Why are you stressed about your job? Is that something you could work on? By all means, if you hate it, try to find a new job. But also try to accept your current situation.

Because it hurts my physical body.

I could chew it if they were just be more kind to employers.

But right now the situation is not good . (Basically the vehicle I drive has a problem that fucks up your back, and they won't fix it because they say they don't have sustitute vehicles)

And yeah I'm stressed out because is a delivery job and I feel like I have to go around very fast to be able to deliver all the things.

Also sexuality / social skills I am very poor. Need to work on that too seriously in the next year 

So basically my mind is occupied 100% with this aspects that are very important for my well being.


Edited by Javfly33

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I had a majorly life disrupting awakening in the middle of having two young kids and running a business. No regrets, it couldn't have been any different. Everything worked out fine, better than fine actually. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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8 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

@Leo Gura More than a self-help teacher, I see you as a creative artist who expresses himself. You don't really focus on telling people what to do per se, rather you give them ideas that they can use to figure stuff out for themselves. You focus a lot lesser nowadays on selling yourself, the value of your work is pure artistic value.


I aspire to be like Leo. 


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7 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Because it hurts my physical body.

I could chew it if they were just be more kind to employers.

But right now the situation is not good . (Basically the vehicle I drive has a problem that fucks up your back, and they won't fix it because they say they don't have sustitute vehicles)

And yeah I'm stressed out because is a delivery job and I feel like I have to go around very fast to be able to deliver all the things.

Also sexuality / social skills I am very poor. Need to work on that too seriously in the next year 

So basically my mind is occupied 100% with this aspects that are very important for my well being.


Driving a truck is bad for your back, but you can mitigate all that. Get back support, try a special back pain seat cushion for the truck seat, also do yin yoga or other types of yoga and stretching and ab exercises to strengthen your abs and take stress off your back. 

Also often with meditation we overly value going slow and having the leisure of time, but you can't be intensely present while going very fast, efficiently. You can't get into that flow if you think your life should look a different way and have some vision of yourself alone sitting on a mountain. Surrender into the rush. I mean, you're pretty much some sort of Santa Claus. Driving can be an incredibly awesome activity for focus. Your survival stuff and spiritual stuff aren't at odds. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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My suggestion: if you follow the spiral dynamics model,  recap on the early  stages and find out what you've missed in your development. We're all born into life as stage beige babies, and need to learn the lessons as we progress. In my life, I tried to jump straight from blue to green without integrating orange, then had a crisis and ended up retraining as an accountant to get my career on track. Nobody now bothers about my earlier mistakes, it's ancient history and most employers here only care about my previous few assignments. 

Try and find a good career advisor to help with choices, training, job applications rather than just firing at random. 

Pause and take stock, have compassion on yourself, and don't panic. Things will work out if you learn this lesson of humility and let other people help you.

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28 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

In your example, you can certainly train yourself to let go of anxiety and replace with positive vision and confidence. That's a very important technique to learn.

Telling yourself that you cannot change silly anxiety like that is a victim mindset.

Can you remove body pain with positive thinking? No. In the same way, How could you change something that has deep roots in emotions like anxiety derived from child experience through thinking? Thinking is a game, it is silly stuff. The proof is that it even hurts you while you are sleeping, so it is not about thoughts and cannot be change trough thoughts. 


It is not a  victim mindset, I studied pnl many years ago and test this techinques. I reach the conclusion that you can change trivial stuff but not deep feeling problems. This problems could be solved with corporal and shadow therapy which change your coordinates permanently, not with short term mind games.



Edited by RedLine

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22 minutes ago, RedLine said:

How could you change something that has deep roots in emotions like anxiety derived from child experience through thinking?

Thinking patterns affect your brain chemistry in the long term.

Most people develop anxiety and depression not in childhood but later in life, and that's in many cases because a long history of bad thinking habits (not judging, these habits may well be because of trauma).

The opposite is also possible but it's hard.

Google how meditation and yoga shrink you amygdala, which is a brain nucleus that's very important in anxiety pathways.


Edited by Fran11

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23 minutes ago, RedLine said:

Can you remove body pain with positive thinking? No. In the same way, How could you change something that has deep roots in emotions like anxiety derived from child experience through thinking? Thinking is a game, it is silly stuff. The proof is that it even hurts you while you are sleeping, so it is not about thoughts and cannot be change trough thoughts. 

There is an entire therapy method called Cognitive Behavior Therapy which dealing with stuff like anxiety through thinking.

But did not say thinking is the only or the best way. There are many techniques.

You frame it as mind-games, but the truth is your anxiety is a mind-game to begin with.

Taking responsibility for how you unwillingly cause your emotional reactions is a huge part of our work here.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

There is an entire therapy method called Cognitive Behavior Therapy which dealing with stuff like anxiety through thinking.

There is an emotional and body sensation component in CBT as well, to say it deals with anxiety 'through thinking' is way too oversimplified and untrue, I'm also not too much fan of CBT as the entire concept is too technical, and doesn't give enough room for emotionality.

Anxiety is never 'rooted in thinking', it is actually a symptom of 'too much thinking', and not enough feeling.

Anxiety says 'there are things you need to feel, please be mindful of that'.

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28 minutes ago, RedLine said:

The proof is that it even hurts you while you are sleeping, so it is not about thoughts and cannot be change trough thoughts. 

Do you really think that while sleeping you are not thinking? On a deep sleep, you are not, but when you are dreaming you are thinking all the time

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6 minutes ago, Martin123 said:

There is an emotional and body sensation component in CBT as well, to say it deals with anxiety 'through thinking' is way too oversimplified and untrue, I'm also not too much fan of CBT as the entire concept is too technical, and doesn't give enough room for emotionality.

And I never said thinking is necessarily the solution. Watch your strawmans.

Although, most of you here would benefit enormously from learning how to think PROPERLY.

Proper, high-quality thinking is rarer than hen's teeth. Don't poo-poo it. At least half of your life problems are the result of improper thinking.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

And I never said thinking is necessarily the solution. Watch your strawmans.

I have no idea what you mean by that, I just didn’t like the misinformation regarding CBT, I’m not trying to be ‘right’ here.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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