Don Wei

Depression and hollowness in university

28 posts in this topic

On 9/24/2020 at 4:03 PM, SirVladimir said:

Build education on your life purpose, not the other way around. ^_^

That's what I meant by enjoying your major. It feels so great when your education is along with your purpose 

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@Don Wei well it takes time to adapt to new situation and your new situation is so big. Perhaps it's the lack of social life as u mentioned.

But it must be ok if u feel u did the right thing. 

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@SirVladimir @LfcCharlie4 I did shamanic breathing once a couple of months ago, but I totally forgot about that. I should probably try it again then. Its true that you can get very succesful doing self publishing, but as you said you need money for that. And that's something I really lack, so I don't understand how i'm supposed to do that at the moment, right now I'll first focus on completing my books.

@bejapuskas I did not know I was wearing some kind of social mask, if this is not who I am then I really do not know who I am. But I do feel that world is much bigger and brighter then I think it is. Sometimes it feels like i'm being blindfolded and miss a big part of everything. I've also seen many things the last couple that really go against my values and entire way of thinking. For example people telling me that my life is just easy and that they are just doomed to have a shitty life, because that's just the way their life is supposed to be, I think everybody on this forum knows that's bullshit. And i've seen people close to me cheat on other people close to me and act like it's a totally normal thing because so many people do it. But it just seems very wrong to me. And then people tell me i'm too honest or naïve. 

So yeah I think it will take a lot of time to get used to this, maybe I shouldn't judge them, but that's pretty difficult too. On a postive note I have already done all the legal stuff I had to do like, insurance, getting my ID, learning how to use public transport, study finances etc so i'm glad that's over.

@Elham yeah I'll just do what I have too do, my purpose along with many other things is very unclear right now,

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5 minutes ago, Don Wei said:

@SirVladimir @LfcCharlie4 I did shamanic breathing once a couple of months ago, but I totally forgot about that. I should probably try it again then. Its true that you can get very succesful doing self publishing, but as you said you need money for that. And that's something I really lack, so I don't understand how i'm supposed to do that at the moment, right now I'll first focus on completing my books.

You can publish an ebook without substantial costs. Almost all of your budget goes to marketing. If you crave for a physical book, is it really worth it? Your digital work can always be printed in the future after you build a community.

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@SirVladimir maybe I should try both and just see where it goes, I need to get more real experience in the book writing world anyway. You sound like you have already tried both and got more succes with self publishing so you already have that experience but I don't.

By the way does anybody here know if leo already made a video about finding yourself ? I feel like he has but i'm not sure.

Edited by Don Wei

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1 hour ago, Don Wei said:

@SirVladimir maybe I should try both and just see where it goes, I need to get more real experience in the book writing world anyway. You sound like you have already tried both and got more success with self publishing so you already have that experience but I don't.

My first book was terribly out of tune and was of course rejected by six publishers, but it felt perfect to me at the time. :D A perfect child. So I went and published 10 physical copies just for myself and my friends. Out of my pocket. Felt awesome to hold in my hands a manifestation of my soul. But the journey went on. 1000 hours were spent on a book, which did not bring what an average NPC would call 'a result.'

The lessons you'll learn writing your first book will be invaluable. Treasure them more than your cravings for a tangible result. They will propel you.

No, I haven't had any success in self-publishing yet, for my work has barely begun. We'll see how it goes this December when I run a campaign and seek collaborations. Don't mistaken my writing tips for marketing and 'results' tips. It may sound narcissistic to you that I am speaking of writing without acquiring a devoted fan-base first.


By the way does anybody here know if leo already made a video about finding yourself ? I feel like he has but i'm not sure.

Leo's Life Purpose course revolves just around that. Regarding the free content, check the videos "Life Advice For Young People - Part 1 & 2" and the recent "The Trap Of The Toxic Life Purpose."

Edited by SirVladimir

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@Don Wei  That's cool that you got that handled. And I guess yeh judging these people is just a waste of time. I was thinking you might have had this idea that like when you get to this school, all your troubles will fall away and something magical will happen, that's obviously and expectation that will make you suffer. Life doesn't change with things like this for anyone in this sense. But yeh don't worry about it too much, you will get better, just stay honest to yourself :)  

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@bejapuskas I found two people yesterday that really opened my eyes, Eckhart Tolle and Wim Hof. I really needed that. 

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