28 cm unbuffed


37 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Not all people are equally suited to a disciplined lifestyle. Some folks are wired for it while others aren't. You must play to your strengths.

There are advantages to being spontaneous and meandering.

You think Goggins was wired for discipline when he was 300 pounds eating donuts for breakfast?  :P

I think it sucks just as bad for him as with others, he just learned to emrace pushing through pain.

I believe anyone can get to that level. So in a sense you can wire yourself for it. 

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6 hours ago, electroBeam said:

@Opo your good insight is peeling away my high self esteem. 

Its alright. I have no self esteem. 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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You can be semi-disciplined. But you don't have to be some kind of Jocko Willink type of dude.

Be ware of over-glorifying discipline if you are more of the artistic, creative, or adventurous type. Artistic people tend to be less disciplined and more chaotic and messy. This is part of what makes for a highly creative mind: it's all over the fucking place.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If you want to be disciplined as an artistic type you need to let go and get into the flow state...

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@electroBeam ? I feel like someone just gave me a new puppy, lol. I have been really beating myself up for lack of discipline in certain areas but what you and leo said is like a light bulb clicking...  Not that I will use it as an escuse but I really should focus more on flow state

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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On 9/22/2020 at 10:21 PM, Leo Gura said:

You can be semi-disciplined. But you don't have to be some kind of Jocko Willink type of dude.

Be ware of over-glorifying discipline if you are more of the artistic, creative, or adventurous type. Artistic people tend to be less disciplined and more chaotic and messy. This is part of what makes for a highly creative mind: it's all over the fucking place.

@Leo Gura @28 cm unbuffed  I know this is a super old thread but I wanted to chime in. 

This is gold. 

Remember Goggins / Jocko are ex-Seals, discipline is their way of life, it 'saved' them and gives them purpose. And, discipline, is great practically speaking, it'll help you stick to exercising, build your business, overcome addictions, build habits etc, but it is not the be all end all. Discipline is especially great for the 'Practical' parts of life, and helping us do shit we don't necessarily naturally love doing, we all have it. 

For example, if you try and use discipline in ALL areas of your life, you'll end up missing out on a lot of life's beauty, love and joy. 

In my own life, I hate running, so it requires discipline for me to go out and run in the cold everyday, but I LOVE the Gym & playing sports, so I need much less discipline to do those things (except leg day). 

That being said, when you are in a rut, eating junk food, doing fuck all everyday, people like Goggins / Jocko / Tony Robbins are what you need, not Eckhart Tolle. Because, these guys will help you master the foundational and practical parts of life, and will help you find that freedom they talk about that comes from discipline. 

Then, when you have sorted your foundational shit out, then jump into the spirituality (or do it alongside) and the more 'Turquoise' teachings. 

It's kind of like the analogy of Spiral Dynamics, ideally, you want to integrate the healthy & helpful aspects of every stage- Blue's discipline, Orange's ability to create wealth, Green's Compassion etc etc, but it doesn't mean you have to get stuck there forever, that's where a tier 2 outlook & perspective comes in on using, say, Goggins teachings to help you workout, build your discipline and change your lifestyle, but not get stuck in the overall way of being, take what is useful for your own life, and integrate into your own teaching. 

Remember, these guys have no idea whatsoever about awakening, Non-Duality, Infinite Love etc, so you kinda have to integrate these teachings by yourself, that's the whole finding the balance for yourself. What works for me is using Goggins / Jocko shit for waking up, exercising, getting work done, overcoming addictions etc but combining it with the Spirituality & what not. 

I'd say a great example of similar Turquoise teachings are Wim Hof, he always talks about different spiritual traditions, Love, healing, happiness, nature etc, and all the wild feats he's done are simply show the power of the mind, not to impress, he constantly harps on that the overall message is happiness, healing and love. 

There is definitely value in learning from Goggins, Jocko and other 'Gurus' from different SD stages & facets of life, but it doesn't mean you have to crystallize there forever, it just means you learn discernment and build the life YOU want, not what you're told to want, and the life that helps you grow and enjoy yourself the most. 


@fridjonk I've been reading your journal and you're fucking killing it man, congrats, just wanted to say, it's super inspirational. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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For me, it seems pretty easy to be "disciplined" just turn what you need to do into a habit and it becomes easier to do. 

For the last 13 days, I have been practicing piano for 3 hours every day and it wasn't that hard because I made it into a habit. 

Stop thinking you need motivation to do what you need to do just pull yourself together and do it. Sometimes there really is no way out of it but once it's done you won't have to think about it for the day and once you actually do it you will realize it isn't actually that bad.

In essence, it's just:

"I don't feel like it but I am just gonna do it anyway"

It can help of course if you have a bigger vision/purpose for what you want to do.

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What works for me, is to prepare the next day the day before.
I set the intention for the next day before going to bed.

So for example I say, I want to do x amount of study + x amount of meditation + x amount of whatever etc...
Then I put a note on my mobile agenda about it (in case I forget anything).

The next day I just do in whatever order what I told myself I want to do (it usually better to do the habits in the same sequence if possible).

If you fail and be lazy, that's ok just keep up to your word most of the time.
Like other said you're not a robot, sometimes you will "fail", but there is nothing wrong with that.

Just don't use the "I'm only human" as an excuse to be lazy, it is very easy to do, I talk from experience ... 9_9

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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2 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

@fridjonk I've been reading your journal and you're fucking killing it man, congrats, just wanted to say, it's super inspirational. 

Thank you brother :)

Funny you mention it I've actually gotten more lenient in my discipline since I started it but managed to find the sweet spot. A firm grip yet not this neurotic Goggins type mentality which was what I needed to start again. It's can be quite counter-intuitive regarding spiritual work. Yet pushing the limits of your mind can also lead to some spiritual growth as well. There's definitely a lot you can learn from those seal guys, but you have to know what to take and what to leave. This one of the best tools you can have in your life, being able to learn the "good" parts of every stage and disregard the "toxic" stuff. 

Essentially been enjoying being more spontaneous. 

You have to find what works out for yourself as you said.  

Edited by fridjonk

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@fridjonk Definitely bro, Tbf to Goggins he does say to “find your equitation” and I think his overall message is to push yourself to be the best you can be, but of course we have to remember he’s coming from a blue / orange place.

But, he definitely (and similar guys) have a lot of great lessons, it’s just knowing what to take & what to disregard, for example he talks about finding peace after these long runs etc, and it basically sounded as if he was experiencing his true nature in that moment, hence why it was so peaceful.

But, doing something you hate everyday certainly has its merits for building discipline, but I think overall we can evolve it to doing things we love as the majority of our time, & of course being of service, but there is certainly a lot of practical applications from these guys. 

Glad you found your sweet spot man, I think it’s something that’s always changing depending on where we are in life & our immediate goals, someone just starting a business will have to grind more than someone 10 years in with a team of experts below him, life is cyclical after all.

But, I think the foundational habits of Diet, Exercise & overall health are certainly something everyone can achieve really.

That being said, these type of figures are exactly what a lot of “normal” people our & older generations need to get them out of that slump so many people are in, they certainly serve a purpose.

But, as you say, it is far from the highest truth, and you will defo have to go deeper for true happiness & peace, as that is only found in Self-Realisation / Awakening. 

But, even post that, these practical teachings still have a lot of value for sure. 

edit- I wanted to add someone who’s “disciplined” yet extremely spiritually developed is Wim Hof, you probs already know him, but he LOVES his disciplines & spreads love, health & happiness with all of his teachings while helping people sort their shit out, I think that’s a great example of Learning to love our discipline

Edited by LfcCharlie4

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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17 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

edit- I wanted to add someone who’s “disciplined” yet extremely spiritually developed is Wim Hof, you probs already know him, but he LOVES his disciplines & spreads love, health & happiness with all of his teachings while helping people sort their shit out, I think that’s a great example of Learning to love our discipline

Of course I know the lovely Wim. :D

Just came from a freezing cold shower and never felt better. Cold exposure feels like a rebirth from the ego each time. Also been running in just a t-shirt and shorts in the cold. Feels amazing! 


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@fridjonk I’m exactly the same man! 

One day I wanna go to his retreat and do it proper, that’ll be such a fun 3 days. 

Once you master the cold & the Breathwork being productive is so much easier, and the energy is awesomeeee

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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