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Experience with Bacopa/Brahmi (nootropic)

1 post in this topic

I've been taking bacopa for a week, 1/4th of a teaspoon. Mainly the bacopa boosts your memory, focus, and Leo talks a bit about it in his nootropics video.

Before that, I harldy ever could remember what I dramed, just 1 or 2 times per month.

Now with bacopa I can recall everything that I dreamed, and the dreams were vivid. I didnt like what I found... all my dreams are unpleasant nightmares: I'm a peaceful people but in the nightmares i appear fighting with people, torturing animals... while in real life I couldnt do that, I love animals.

The negative effect is that I wake up destroyed physically and mentally. My head is like if I drunk tons of alcohol and had a huge hangover, also feel demotivated.

This side effects has been reported by other reddit users. IMO this supplement interfere with happiness and motivation of daily life.

I would only take it If I lived in the Siberia hibernating for 3 months and demotivation and sleepines isnt a issue.

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