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Help me see the body as my friend!

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Go experience it. Take a warm bath, go swim in a cold lake and see how the body reacts, do some yoga, go for a run, walk barefoot in forest moss. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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2 hours ago, mandyjw said:

Go experience it. Take a warm bath, go swim in a cold lake and see how the body reacts, do some yoga, go for a run, walk barefoot in forest moss. 

Good advice. The best way is to use the body for the porpouse that it is designed. Any difficult sport like rock climbing for example, makes you more conciouss of your body, and make you love it

Edited by Breakingthewall

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13 hours ago, Someone here said:

I'm experiencing a huge boundary between myself and the body now.

There isn’t a you carrying a body. There isn’t a soul inside a your body. There is quite literally nobody there. 

How would you have created experience differently so to speak? How would you have created this particular facet of experience differently?



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If you see the body as a burden then it's more the mind that is the problem labeling it as a burden

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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4 hours ago, mandyjw said:

Go experience it. Take a warm bath, go swim in a cold lake and see how the body reacts, do some yoga, go for a run, walk barefoot in forest moss. 

Appreciate it although not sure how exactly is that going to change my perspective on the body being a burden. 

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

There isn’t a you carrying a body. There isn’t a soul inside a your body. There is quite literally nobody there. 

It's a nothing that exists! 


1 hour ago, Nahm said:

How would you have created experience differently so to speak? How would you have created this particular facet of experience differently?

Well one can certainly imagine a scenario or a world where you can have lighter bodies that doesn't require constant effort and struggle to keep it in balance. 

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@Someone here

That world is the world, and reveals the ‘work’ to be done. That is past-less, future-less evolution. That is precisely what you are doing in the biggest picture. You don’t have to imagine it. You’re already ‘doing’ that ‘work’. Here you are, in your own dream. Someone could be uplifted, witnessing true lightheartedness, awakening to truth in your silent presence. Or they could be ‘brought down’, listening to ‘you’ complaining about ‘your body’. Always up to you, but I suggest lightheartedness is infinity, and appearance is not limitation, but freedom. 



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29 minutes ago, Nahm said:

and appearance is not limitation, but freedom. 


How to view the body's constant ever-renewed "needs" as "freedom"? 

Edited by Someone here

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Appreciate it although not sure how exactly is that going to change my perspective on the body being a burden. 

The body knows that your mind is a burden but it loves you so much it doesn't say anything about it all. Your mind on the other hand doesn't shut up. So do some stuff that tricks your mind into listening to the body for change.


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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10 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

The body knows that your mind is a burden but it loves you so much it doesn't say anything about it all. Your mind on the other hand doesn't shut up. So do some stuff that tricks your mind into listening to the body for change.

Tricks your mind lol? You are basically saying go have some fun and experience how amazing the body can get lol. As if I don't know that.   Yet that can be viewed as a burden.. This constant itch to move the body.. Please the body.. Hype up your body.. For if you don't.. The body will get stagnant and bored. And body doesn't like that... So I gotta obey body. Lol   I don't have to necessarily view it from this perspective.. But for now I'm stuck at it. 

Edited by Someone here

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31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

How to view the body's constant ever-renewed "needs" as "freedom"? 

The air, the food, etc...all the needs, are appearance, just as the body is. There is no separation of objects in a dream, there is no death. Freedom doesn’t require something to be free from, though thoughts appear, and bodies purify.



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9 minutes ago, Nahm said:

The air, the food, etc...all the needs, are appearance, just as the body is. 

Appearance is reality. 

10 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Freedom doesn’t require something to be free from. 

What does that mean? Freedom is not an entity. It's an abstract.  Consciousness is identified as a separate body.. That is essentially a house of needs. 

I don't wanna get lost in pedantic word Games.. The current dream of being a separate imperfect body is a limitation and a burden. It is a dream but it's real. It is illusory but it's real. It doesn't exist but it does! 

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@Someone here it is your vehicle of experience on this ride called life. you want a long and fun ride? take care of the vehicle.

you want phases where it doesn't stall, breakdown, flat tires, etc etc... or do you want a smooth ride?

smooth ride you say?

well, take care of your ride bruh

simple as that.

Love Is The Answer

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5 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

@Someone here it is your vehicle of experience on this ride called life. you want a long and fun ride? take care of the vehicle.

you want phases where it doesn't stall, breakdown, flat tires, etc etc... or do you want a smooth ride?

smooth ride you say?

well, take care of your ride bruh

simple as that.

Alright how is that different from what I'm saying? You are just saying yeah it is what it is.. It is your burden.. Do the homework.. Do it good.. And keep quiet . Lol 

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@Someone here na. i am not saying it is what it is

i am telling you how it is

that your body IS you. so only friendship with it is possible... you cannot make it an enemy. only you will lose. because it is you!


p.s. only really replying to your topic title. haven't read other comments or responses below since you posted the topic.

so if it's already your friend by now, then you gucci bruhh

Love Is The Answer

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@Someone here

If what is absolute - unconditional, eternal, unchanging - is to experience, that experience will appear conditional, temporary and changing. You and you is not an experience, you and apparently not you is experience. Infinite can never know finite. What you are saying is logical, rational, and understandable. However, you made this thread because it does not make sense. If your perspective is right, your path has ended in nonsense. 



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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

If what is absolute - unconditional, eternal, unchanging - is to experience, that experience will appearance conditional, temporary and changing.


Love Is The Answer

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8 minutes ago, Nahm said:

 If your perspective is right, your path has ended in nonsense. 


18 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

@Someone here

na. i am not saying it is what it is

i am telling you how it is

that your body IS you. so only friendship with it is possible... you cannot make it an enemy. only you will lose. because it is you!


18 minutes ago, SoonHei said:


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@Someone here

Just reading the words - the ‘bridge’ of the absolute real and the ‘relative’ reality, is vibration - intuitively makes sense, because you, like I, are an appearance via vibration, of infinite being. Reality (including the thought “the body”) is a vibration which is made of, is, infinite being. There is not a body, there is the thought, ‘there is a body’. ‘Thought’ is self proclaimed and named vibrational appearance as well. 

‘This’ is otherwise, an “illusion”, due to ignorance and veils yet to be transcended. One wakes up to this in whatever apparent state one seems bodily wise to be in. But intention and choice are unseen and prior to what is vibrationally speaking, seen. It is crystal clear what you do not want. It is not as clear yet to shift focus to what you do want. That can not rightly be said to be a problem, because you have nothing to do, forever to do it, and unending infinite love by which to shift as / with. However, love only appears as spacetime, vibrationally. So, if you are feeling the discord of what is not wanted, you can feel the alignment of what is wanted. 

TLDR: Notice we are creating reality right through being us, right under “our” very “noses”. Notice the literal & figurative state of this place, fear & masks. Years are perpetual, Halloween coming before Christmas, a never ending chance to notice what is going on ‘here’, what is unfolding and our role in it as creators, what makes sense and what is “logical”.

It’s said what we do not focus on, we avoid. But what we do not focus on is not experienced, ‘it’ is a void, which is becoming via appearance, as we focus. Thinking never resolves thinking, and more somethings do not resolve somethings. Only meditation will do for thinking, only nothing will do for everything. Only the Truth will do. ? You and your body so to speak, and the purification of perspectives of it, are indicative of the ‘outer’ world, just as Well.



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@Someone here   Well first of all congratulations to have the courage to be open in wanting to find out more, a big step in the right direction.  Now my advice may seem indirect and it may not just magically open you up to the glory you envision (it may :) ), but its basically as follows.

First set of questions  to ponder and take time with, with no rush to get a final answer and claim as known or yours....

1.  "What" is this process/movement/arising/magical happening that states or is experienced as "I'm my soul and wants to be in bliss freedom" and "doesn't want to have body and all the negative feelings/thoughts/process about it".

2.  Is the body, the feelings, the thoughts, the soul, and that which is aware of the "two", separate? 

3.  Do they arise in experience simultaneously? 

4.  What do "they all" apparently arise within?


No right answers, just what is found or not.......


Ok a whole new set of questions once again to take minutes, days, hours, years to just be curious about.....

1.  What makes something at a objective level "a body"? 

If you can define this then theres more to go deeper into. 

2.  Next question, what makes it "my body"

If theres an answer, theres more still to uncover.

3.  Who or what is the "my" in which a body supposedly belongs to?

4.  Is there a possession of "this"?  Or a being as such.... or neither or it just can't be said.....


Again no right or wrong answers, just feel into what is revealed and let what happens or doesn't.............

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