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Links between Structural Psychoanalysis (Lacan) and Non-duality

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I am a psychology student and got introduced lately to structural psychoanalysis by Lacan and I quickly started to make links with non-duality. 

Interesting is the ödipal complex and it in general the theories about very early development (first year). Even though in psychoanalysis tradition the penis plays a big part, it made much more sense for me if you change the penis into god. 

I am curious if someone is familliar with these theories and found them helpful/interesting and has made links to non-duality?

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Shunyamurti is huge into Lacan.

Personally I find it far too convoluted and not useful.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Thanks!! I will watch some content from Shunyamurti.

Since you studied philosophy, I am wondering if you learned about structuralism? I find it, like so many philosophical teachings, awfully complicated (or maybe just badly explained), but it still triggers my curiosity. Especially interesting, were the relativistic aspect of language and reality. Do you have an opinion on it?

Many thanks for your work

Edited by Philipp

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@Philipp Yes, I've studied a bit of structuralism and post-structuralism.

I even have a great video about it:

But I never bothered to seriously understand Lacan. It's just way too arcane and impractical in my opinion. There are better things to spend your time studying.

And I do not buy into the Oedipal Complex. In the history of Western intellectual tradition, I think it's one of the dumbest and most overrated ideas. It won't help you improve your life.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Hey @Philipp I think you will finde Cadells Last´s work interesting then.

We are a group having fun exploring the unconscious in the field between psychoanalysis, spirituality and science. Personally im really interested in the field between traditional yoga and psychoanalysis. I find psychoanalysis to be a mind blowing tool to Analyse the world. Zizek being one of todays masters. Personally I, like Leo, feel the emphasis on sex is out of proportion but not dumb thou. And sex itself IS also out of proportion today because of our history of moralisation and unfocused desire, pulled out of us and scattered in all directions through consumerism. So In that sense I really think it has its place. I dont really see it as the "cure" thou. From what I see there are better tools for that. Yoga being my personal interest. Its interesting how even Osho used some kind of "therapy" to get rid of all the mess as a way to start with a cleaner canvas

He says:



Therapy basically has nothing to do with spirituality. I was using it just to clean the rubbish that the mind has gathered down the ages. The work of the therapists with me was exactly that of cleaners, nothing superior to them in any way. But in the West therapy has connotations of spirituality because there is nothing in the name of spirituality. There is a vacuum, and therapists seem to ll it.

It is only apparently so. They don’t ll the gap, they cannot; they themselves have no spiritual experience. All that they know are certain techniques through which your mind can be cleaned. But even that cleaning of the mind makes you feel fresh only for a few days, because it does not change the base, the foundation of your being; it simply cleans the surface. You remain the same person. You will again collect the same garbage, so therapy will be needed again and again and again.


The East has developed spiritual techniques, but when those techniques were developed, man was not so loaded with knowledge, degrees, and all kinds of meaningless garbage. Those techniques were developed for innocent people. Now the situation is different: if you give those techniques directly to the people, the people are so loaded that your techniques will be lost in their garbage.



Anyways, Its ongoing and your welcome to join. You can see the the previous workshops under Cadell´s playlis "Return to Freud"  on his youtube page

Cadell structures the meet-ups. Come join us at FB if you like to participate


Edited by MrWolf

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