Leo Gura

Collecting Questions For 1 Million Subs AMA Special Video

343 posts in this topic

Some questions:

- Did you ever thought about leaving Las Vegas and move to another place... something like a "cabin in the woods" maybe?

- The classic "How to get a Hot Witch Girlfriend"? Just a little pun you could make as some sort of props to older followers.

- Do your friends, or close family watch your content? And if so, does that influence anyway their relationship with you?

- Does creating constant content exaust you Intellectually, or in other words... do you consider that your work fireback's you for too much thinking and make it harder to do Consciousness work?

- Could you tell a story of a situation that you were recognized on a public place? If ever.

- Have you ever cut relationships because of Actualized.org?

- Being the owner of an online communinty, does that makes you more imune or easier to co-op with loneliness? 

...and Congratulations for 1M, the YouTube award badge will look neat on your living room.

Edited by oMarcos

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15 hours ago, Giancarlo said:

This 1M subs video is going to be longer than the Spiral Dynamics series ?

Its probably going to be a multi part series for sure.

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Hi Leo, thanks for the years of amazing and Educational content you’ve put out. It truly has made me become more hopeful and happier about life. 

my questions:

- If you’d recommend one book that would go to the core of people’s misunderstandings about life and change that to a much higher consciousness, what would that book be? ( If there’s no one specific book, then what is one subject that most people get wrong, and need to know and research about ?)

- Since you run a self help business:  what were your initial ideas of how you wanted to help humanity grow, and how has that changed after starting this forum and being on YouTube the past years?

- what happened to your hair :) ?

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Here is a few you can pick from

Have you ever considered doing volunteering?

Where do you see yourself and Actualized.org in 5 years? 

What are the top 5 most powerful & influential books you've ever read?

When do you expect to update your booklist?

When can we expect a new course?







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Congratulations Leo!

Here's my question: How do you express love to your family and friends? 

Thank you and all the best!

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On 9/20/2020 at 0:49 AM, Applegarden said:


Do you have any troll stories or bad encounters regarding being recognized as Actualized.org guy?

I second this. Would be quite amusing to hear!

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What have been some things you have struggled with/had a difficult time with along your spiritual journey? How did you end up getting through them?

Congratulations Leo. Thank you for the life changing material. My life is already better than I ever pictured it would be after just one year real work on myself and I'm only 1 of a million subscribers. You're making a difference.

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1)How will the actualise.org project look over 5/10/20/30 years?

2)In the future will you talk about Carl's Jung /+Terence Mckenna's work?



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What is one instance or area of your life where you struggle to integrate what you teach? Give me a human moment.

Have you explored spirit animals? If so, what is yours and why?

How has being a game designer colored your personal awakening experience?

How much of your research includes artwork? What pieces or mediums of art are your favorite?

What kind of equipment do you use? Do you build your own PC or write software?

When will you be releasing the book you've been writing?

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If magic like spellcasting were to suddenly become possible, how do you think that would be done? Through technology? Nature? Purifying oneself?

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Are you too self-critical with your videos?

Like, do you watch them and go "I could explain things much better, I don't like that, I don't like this".


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Leo, you are epic


What is your bucket list?


What are your biggest regrets?

What does your current social- & dating life look like? Is it fulfilling? Do you have friends that you really like and resonate with? 

How old would you like to get (while being fit & healthy) if you could pick any age?

When will SD stage yellow & turquoise be mainstream? Where do you see humanity in 50/100/500/1000/etc. years? 

Where do you see yourself in 5/10/30 years? What direction do you want to take? Western philosophy/intellectual like Peter Ralston or eastern philosophy/saint/mystic like sadhguru?

How would you reform the education system?

Favorite countries to travel? 

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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I was curious about how an enlightened person experiences anger, frustration, envy, all of these supposedly "negative" or "toxic" emotions.

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Do you think flowers and some organic shapes like honeycombs or starfish are pentagonish because they were "intelligently designed" by a creator or is that just a coincidence of chemical composition in your opinion?

Have you found any reason to believe in an intelligent creator because of some mathematical order you have discovered in the universe or your experiences?  Or if you believe in an intelligent creator, what experience for the most part if there is one made you believe in it more significantly than other experiences?

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@Leo Gura

Leo, I have a practical question that I feel is important. I would like to know what your day to day life looks like.

What's an average day for you? Do you have a solid routine or does it change as you go? Are there elements of your day that you have continued to repeat for a long time? How do you arrange, organize and plan your time?

I guess I basically want to know this as we can all speculate on what you might do on a daily basis but I really don't think anyone has any idea.


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I'm curious as to how you still have so much growth left. How? 

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