Leo Gura

Collecting Questions For 1 Million Subs AMA Special Video

344 posts in this topic

What is currently your "lowest consciousness" habit? 

Do you regret anything in going on this path to self-actualization?

If you had one piece of advice towards the general western population, what would it be?

What's your favorite movie? Tv-show? Video game? Anime?


Thank you for doing this. You've said at some point that you don't think people care about you personally, just your work. How can anyone care about someone personally, that's a deep question. But I've quite enjoyed your personal anecdotes along these years and I really liked it when you talked about working for epic games in the life purpose course. As a fellow nerd, that was a cool trivia fact. Keep on keeping on my dude and I hope that the health issues are going better these days, best of luck. 


Owner of creatives community all around Canada

 Instagram is @Kylegfall

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what traps did you fall into yourself and wished you knew about (maybe when you were late teen)


do your daily errands feel ordinary 

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It's been a while since you did your video on addiction and you have evolved a lot since. Is there anything you would change and/or add to that video?

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On which videos would you do a remake? Because you grow a lot and your understanding is deeper. I ask me how you would shoot the video: "Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most SHOCKING Truth You'll Ever Hear"  today. it was one of the most important videos for me

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You are so close to a milli 999k today!

I already posted a question earlier but worth a shot: Can you pretty PLEASE say some things in Russian for us?

Maybe just a couple sentences in the near future, even if it doesn't make the video. THANKS.

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3 hours ago, Karla said:

You are so close to a milli 999k today!

I already posted a question earlier but worth a shot: Can you pretty PLEASE say some things in Russian for us?

Maybe just a couple sentences in the near future, even if it doesn't make the video. THANKS.

I second the motion @Karla  for us to hear Leo speak some Russian. ?‍♂️

Another question from me also. A few months ago, an action you took seemed somewhat contrived to me. I think it would be rude and seemingly adversarial for me to mention specifically the occasion I was referring to. Not to mention, it could easily have been a projection on my part. But I'll ask this.

Have you ever 'played a role' in a sense to make giving a Teaching easier?

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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1.) What is the very first thought you become conscious of, when you wake up? Is it about the depression of the current civilization or the thrust to pull us out?


2.) When we break out from the cuccoon (childhood) to a free willed butterfly (adulthood), the zeal childlike enthusiasm sheds from us, any thoughts when/ at which moment in our transformation does it happen?

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is it a realistic goal or vision to meet true love with another human? have you ever had a true love and what was your experience? 

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How do you research and create your videos? What’s the process you follow throughout the week?

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What is your biggest regret?

Does your life get lonely? 

What do you feel are the downfalls of having such a deep theoretical understanding of reality and humans? 

If you could accomplish ANYTHING in this world, what would you choose?


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Is your name actually Leo Gura?

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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What is your daily routine? 

What are you thoughts on having children?

What is your social life like with this work?

Congratulations on a million.

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  • How do you deal with the overabundance of information?
  • How do you prevent yourself on running into the rabbit hole when you collect/verify information or just reading a good book which suggests you another 10 awesome books?
  • What is your process of collecting, then applying the information/knowledge on a daily/weekly or monthly basis? 
9 hours ago, Meta-Man said:

Leonid Gurachev? :P 

Descent of Gurdjieff ?

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13 hours ago, Meta-Man said:

Leonid Gurachev? :P 

xD I wouldn't be disappointed. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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What's your favourite leisure time activity?

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have you ever fell for a conspiracy theory in the past? 


what's the worst epistemological error you've ever made?

Edited by Jg17

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Where do you see yourself and your work headed in the next 10-20 years? What are any big goals or milestones you would like to reach?

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2 hours ago, Jg17 said:

what's the worst epistemological error you've ever made?

Ooo... I like that one :)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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