Leo Gura

Collecting Questions For 1 Million Subs AMA Special Video

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Your long awaited pick up stories would be cool to hear, but as long as you end the video with your famous 30min speeches I'll be happy, also make it your longest video.

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These are my top questions, and also a VIDEO REQUEST:

-- What is Mind? --


-- How does Mind (and awareness) manifest physical reality from human imagination?

Edited by billiesimon

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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Sorry if this has already been asked but.

Who is the most amazingly advanced person you've ever met? Do you have a story about them?

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what are the best courses that you took in your life?  (online or offline)

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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I think it has already been asked, but I will ask anyway because I'm genuinely very curious:

Would you like to have a family some day? Why or why not?

Also, I have always wondered this... what does your family and close friends think of the work you do? Do they understand and respect it? Do they joke about it? I'd love to know.

Congrats on 1 million subs Leo, fully deserved!

Edited by GroovyGuru

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What is your view on Enlightenment  as explained by Nisagadatta Maharaj's, Ramana Maharshi and other sages etc? Your explanation seems to differ as you explain their are continuous stages whilst they say it's about transcending all states - waking, (dreaming), and sleeping and that the mind must become fully quiet and turn fully inward (ie. the world and all phenomena must disappear).

What do you think the reaction would be if these sages, or modern day teachers like Rupert Spira and Mooji would be if they took 5-meo-DMT?

Do you consider yourself enlightened?

Are you happy in life? Honestly 

Also you could split the personal and serious/knowledge questions.

Btw, thanks alot for your channel. You've come quite far since I found out about you over 5 years back! I came home one evening, and had negative thoughts about a teacher who was rude to me in school and typed in to YouTube how to let of bad memories, and your video about how to let go of the past came up. From then I continued to follow your channel and get more into self help and eventually spirituality. I think back then I was really following Infinite Waters, Philosopher's Notes, Brendon Burchard, FightMediocrity, Tony Robbins and Jim Rohn and others but now have turned a lot more to non-duality. A lot of your older videos about emotions, neurosis, being-cognition really helped me out and stuck with me. Congrats on 1M subs in advance! xD


Edited by Samuel Garcia

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How does the process of conscious manifestation happen? What's your take on this?


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4 hours ago, FlowerNote said:

Why do you want to advance mankind if you believe the entire universe dies with you when you (your body) dies?

Answered in his latest video 

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When you posted your awakening videos did the negative backlash from some of the community effect you in any way?


How often do you meditate these days?


Do you think fetishes such as a foot fetish are low consciousness or a sign of a dysfunctional brain?


Which of the 4 seasons are currently you at in your life? 


Are you voting for Trump? (please say no)




Thank you.

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@Leo Gura From what part of Russia did your parents came with you in the US?

Are you planning to live in the future again in Россия? 

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Why self-actualization is important for some, and not for others?

Some live their lives without ever working on themselves. Others listen to some advice here or there to improve a specific area of their life. Yet, there are those who make self-actualization a way of life. 

Why certain people have this drive? why such a difference in attitudes? do you think everyone should value self-actualization equally? what made you different in this regard?

Edited by Arthur

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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Congratulations in advance Leo!

Q: How will you celebrate?

Q: Do you think it's possible to "lift" the whole of humanity going into the future? How will you/we do it?

Q: When will you make a 10 hour video?

Keep up the good work. Much love.

57% paranoid

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How did you reach 1 million subs? What can I do to achieve the same?

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@Leo Gura  What makes the likes of Peter Ralston or Jed Mckenna see and describe enlightenment as almost this "one thing", or on all or nothing terms? 

I've listened very carefully to your interview with Peter on YouTube where you ask him about relative vs absolute, and the possibility of a deeper experience. To which he says that's another distinction made in the relative. And so any sort of discussion goes around in circles forever. 

Or to reference Jed Mckenna. He makes a distinction between mysticism and enlightenment. Says that spiritual union bliss is still maya, and it doesn't last forever for anyone. He claims that enlightenment isn't somewhere you visit from "here" , but that you visit "here" (maya/dream/duality) from "there" (enlightenment). 

What's going on there? 

Obviously I can't expect to get the answer from you that I then adopt as a belief, I'll have to see for myself. But your thoughts on why Peter takes that viewpoint so strongly would be worth listening to. Or why you take your viewpoint so strongly. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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Yes leo, I fucking love you. I've been thinking about your 1 million sub celebration forever. So my questions are...

1. How often do you fast and do you do water fasting/ dry fasting?

2, What are your opinions on Kundalini Awakenings?

3. What are your opinion on dreams?

4. How many years have you been on this journey?

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How did you know which books to read if you read mostly the right books?

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1. What was the single most impactful insight/epiphany that hit you while you were sober (not on psychedelics)? Something so profound that it literally left your jaw open and made you cancel the rest of your day. Why was it so significant etc.

2. What inspired Actualized.Org and how did it start for you/what was that process like? Was it something specific you had in mind for years or was it the culmination and morphing of different ideas?


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