Leo Gura

Collecting Questions For 1 Million Subs AMA Special Video

343 posts in this topic

Welp, we're getting close to 1 million subs and I suppose an AMA/Q&A video is warranted.

Post your question here and I may select to answer it in the video, which will probably be released in mid-October.

Try to keep your questions not too dumb. I expect there will be many questions and not all of them can possibly make it into the video so I will be selective, so make your question good if you want a realistic chance of it being answered.

I will also be collecting questions via YT comment section around the end of September.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I may as well kick off the parade. ;)

How does one get a hot witch girlfriend?

Are you planning to go for a mahasamadhi in the future? (leave us a note in the bathtub)

Edited by SirVladimir

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Just now, SirVladimir said:

I may as well kick off the parade. ;)

How does one get a hot witch girlfriend?

Question too dumb.

Stay cool & dry.

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Are you planning to have a family(wife and kids)?

What is your biggest regret?


Congratulations bro! You’re amazing?

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How can a human being go from very little understanding of reality & life to the highest levels of understanding of self mastery as well as their purpose in the universe?

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Something that's bugged me for a while. . .

Whatever happened to your considerations of ending Actualized.org many months ago? It seems you've gotten even deeper since then but yet here you are still. What kept you to continue to make more videos and deeper ones at that?

Edited by Extreme Z7

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@Leo Gura If you would give a short practical advice to literally anyone in the streets no matter who they are (as an identity), what would that be? 

Edited by Megan Alecia

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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@Leo Gura If that doesn't get picked then I have another one; what's the key to having a childlike enthusiasm and wonder to life? 

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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When did the idea of getting elightened became a possibility in your mind..i dont mean when u heard it but when you started thinking its possible and not some mumbo jumbo?

What was your first relationship like?


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How do I bring up philosophy in a conversation without it sounding fake or insignificant?

How do I exist around other people who don't do any of these same practices and still feel community?

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Do you feel like you're succeeding in your vision for life?

What was the hardest thing you have done?

Whats the best comment/email you ever got?


Congratulations on the big milestone, man. :)

Much love!! <3


my personal website-actualized since 2015-just waiting for the day-we have the first guys on the forum

born on 2015 :P

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How big did you ever expect Actualized.org to get? Have you been surprised by how large your channel and organization has grown?

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How did you first get into spirituality? How old where you? When did you first realize you were God?

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What's next for actualized.org?  I feel like your material is so rich at this point that you converd a lot of topics in spirituality and psychology etc.  Don't get me wrong.. I never miss a video of yours..but for a while now I'm noticing a little rehashing in your material. 

Also don't you wanna add something new to your channel.. Maybe that will even spike up the views.. Interviewing people.. Reacting to other videos.. Vlogs.. Etc.  You have few videos like that but it's rare. 

Also why don't you do any live streaming whether on YouTube or on the blog and connect with your followers?. . That would be cool. 

Love ya! 

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1 minute ago, dflores321 said:

@Leo Gura

What is your state of consciousness like throughout an average day?


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