
I've Just Slapped My Wife

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On 8/29/2016 at 1:04 AM, electroBeam said:

@Emerald Wilkins Feminism in a lot of respects, also are negatively orientated and projecting. To solve the gender gap for example, they would rather lower men's wages, instead of increasing female wages. 

I agree that there's a lot of negative projection. This is due to being raised in a Yang oriented society and valuing Yang but having a nature reflective of Yin. So, there's an unconscious judgment of self that they project upon other... at least very often this is the case. I'm guilty of this myself. I value Yang a whole bunch and have built my identity around it since childhood, as a person who lives in a Yang society. But I am naturally more Yin. So there is pain there that (if I hadn't done extensive work on myself) I would likely project onto men. But I don't think most reasonable women involved in the Feminist movement are trying to lower men's wages. I think they just want equal wages. Now, as far a the Feminists who scream at men on Tumblr... that's a different story. There are stupid people in every group. But all the Feminists that I know, including myself, are very concerned with men's welfare as well and don't want to take things away from anyone. They literally just want equality. But the dumbest people are always the loudest people too. It's funny how that phenomenon happens. It's why we can't have nice things.

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@Emerald Wilkins

How does this work with sexual polarity?  Such Yin and Yang are so ingrained within genders in regards to physical attractiveness and sexual desire.. For instance a male may feel revitalized in a female with femininity but repelled by a male exhibiting the same traits as a female. Alternatively a female, according to some sources... such as David Deida, will not be able to maintain lasting sexual polarity with a man that possesses too many feminine characteristics... At this time it appears that there are too many biological sexual impulses... It probably could be over-rided with higher consciousness, however, without a greater awakening, it seems implausible. How would you address this issue?








What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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19 minutes ago, Ajax said:

@Emerald Wilkins

How does this work with sexual polarity?  Such Yin and Yang are so ingrained within genders in regards to physical attractiveness and sexual desire.. For instance a male may feel revitalized in a female with femininity but repelled by a male exhibiting the same traits as a female. Alternatively a female, according to some sources... such as David Deida, will not be able to maintain lasting sexual polarity with a man that possesses too many feminine characteristics... At this time it appears that there are too many biological sexual impulses... It probably could be over-rided with higher consciousness, however, without a greater awakening, it seems implausible. How would you address this issue?

 People have the natural way that they are. Most men are more masculine than feminine. Most women are more feminine than masculine. There are many exceptions to this though. And everyone has both energies. But the thing to be understood about sexual polarity is that the masculine/feminine ratio is pre-conditioned and inherent to the individual through biology. Just like gay people can't change the fact that they're gay, a person can't change their unique ratio of masculinity or femininity. So, this is why authenticity is so important to sexual chemistry as opposed to trying to gravitate toward one polarity or the other. You may believe that you want a polarly feminine woman (and on the raw reptilian brain sexual level this may be true) but what you really want from a real relationship is a woman who complements your unique ratio. But masculinity and femininity are just about impossible to fake. I can always tell when a man is pretending to be more masculine than he is... just in the same way that a masculine woman can wear a pound of make-up and dresses but it doesn't actually make her more feminine. The problem is that many of us want to be wanted sexually, and we're afraid that being ourselves and not polarizing ourselves will make us less desirable. But this polarization makes us less attractive... not more attractive because it kills the passion and internal life between the masculine and feminine energies that ebb and flow inside of us all.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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