Apparition of Jack

Humanity is once again learning to live with Nature

5 posts in this topic

So this is something that's been on my mind lately. This is similar to another topic I made a few months ago at the start of covid, but I feel like it's worth repeating.

So much of our social malaise and neuroses is a result of our self-imposed alienation from nature. By which I mean, our minds (and by extension our politics, our governments, our economies etc.) have literally atrophied as a result of cutting ourselves off from the natural processes of life, which our forebears had in abundance.

Take, for instance, a centrist who in other situations would find authoritarianism abhorrent, yet can't help but find themselves wanting to vote for Donald Trump. What's going on here? Why is an otherwise sane, grounded person falling victim to this mass hysteria?

There are many, many reason, too many to list here, but one key one that is being overlooked is simply the fact their mind is unsettled as a result of being alienated from nature. It's no secret we live in an industrial age, and unless you're fortunate enough to be born in the country or have a very strong pull towards nature naturally, then its so easy to go your whole life without ever truly feeling the Earth's sacred embrace. This has consequences. A mind disconnected from its source (nature) will be more susceptible to false ideas, more paranoid, more unsettled and less secure.

Not only that, but with the growing impacts of climate change (look at the west coast the US right now), this basic fact of our connectedness to nature is making itself known once again, but too many of us have been conditioned to find nature fearful and alien, and we grow afraid and paranoid as a result.

The solution is not to fight these changes, but to embrace them, and understand that humanity's has place has always been in nature's bosom, and it's just that we've forgotten this over the last century or so.

Spending quality time in nature will drastically improve your mental health, clarity, physical wellbeing, and social acumen. Earthing (look it up) is one of the most powerful mental health tools we have available to us, yet you won't hear this from any doctor or psychologist. Try it for yourself with a sincere heart and open mind and see for yourselves the benefit.

If you're finding the world too much to handle and want a way to calm yourself down, then there's really no better remedy than spending time in nature. In fact, I would say its imperative to have a relationship with nature if you're serious about self-actualising and raising the collective consciousness. There's a reason why the Buddha touched the Earth the moment before his awakening.

As the months and years go on this will become more and more self-evident, and the only question is will you accept these changes willingly or will you let them drag you down and become fearful and fall prey to false ideas. I think there's still a lot of reasons for hope, but only if we're proactive about them.


“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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This is what I have been telling my friends for years now.. To give up materialism and consumerism, industrialization is a huge lie, it's only meant for profit, people have lost their roots. 

A novel that I'm currently writing is based on this concept of finding peace with nature as a small tribe and giving up the illusion of industrialization 

I have always loved nature so much. The word that comes to my mind is harmony, being in harmony with the nature and the universe. 

Another thing that nature teaches us is to be authentic. I think this is the greatest spiritual lesson. 

I had announced a few months back on this forum that I was opting for Stage Green values. Now stage Green to me is not just progressivism but also connectedness to nature and having a natural existence. I strongly believe in this. 

Mass consumerism, overpopulation, materialism will be our downfall as a civilization because all  three conditions cause terrible leeching of the Ecosystem 

A lot of people demonize witchcraft. But to me witchcraft is a way of connecting with nature and worshipping various elements of nature. 





INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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23 hours ago, Preety_India said:

This is what I have been telling my friends for years now.. To give up materialism and consumerism, industrialization is a huge lie, it's only meant for profit, people have lost their roots. 

A novel that I'm currently writing is based on this concept of finding peace with nature as a small tribe and giving up the illusion of industrialization 

I have always loved nature so much. The word that comes to my mind is harmony, being in harmony with the nature and the universe. 

Another thing that nature teaches us is to be authentic. I think this is the greatest spiritual lesson. 

I had announced a few months back on this forum that I was opting for Stage Green values. Now stage Green to me is not just progressivism but also connectedness to nature and having a natural existence. I strongly believe in this. 

Mass consumerism, overpopulation, materialism will be our downfall as a civilization because all  three conditions cause terrible leeching of the Ecosystem 

A lot of people demonize witchcraft. But to me witchcraft is a way of connecting with nature and worshipping various elements of nature. 





Yess!!  I love this. A connection to the Earth is also a connection to our authentic self and our spiritual capabilities. I think every great challenge in each era of human history is a teaching lesson for us, and in this era it's a lesson for how to let go of unlimited growth and instead pursue harmony / ecology. I just hope a lot of people wake up to this teaching.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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Yep, something as simple as gardening and growing your own vegetables offers physical exercise (save money on going to a gym), getting in touch with your food, exposure to sunlight and stress reduction and even extended life expectancy according to some research.

If someone sly businessmen could figure out how to monetize gardening with all its health benefits, they'd make millions hehe ?

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Humans built the cities to survive and in the cities they will die.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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