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Jay Ray

Does having awaking experiences affect my afterlife (Karma)

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If I spend time trying to awaken, like multiple hours a day and then eventual I do, will this affect my future life or future karma in some way? 

will donating my time and money to help those who suffer affect my next life positively as well? maybe I should focus on that more?

when others ask why I am meditating for hours a day and that I am "not being productive. wasting my time", what should I say? 

thank you!

Edited by Jay Ray
bad title

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2 hours ago, Jay Ray said:

If I spend time trying to awaken, like multiple hours a day and then eventual I do, will this affect my future life or future karma in some way? 

There is nothing to be gained from enlightenment. Awakened beings have no future, but only present.

2 hours ago, Jay Ray said:

will donating my time and money to help those who suffer affect my next life positively as well? maybe I should focus on that more?

Don't donate because you expect a reward. Donate for the sake of donating.

2 hours ago, Jay Ray said:

when others ask why I am meditating for hours a day and that I am "not being productive. wasting my time", what should I say? 

If you don't know why you are doing things, then why are you doing them?

You should know why you are meditating. If its because someone told you to meditate, then that is the wrong answer. 

Edited by JosephKnecht

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@Jay Ray sadhguru claims that he performed intense sadhana for his past 3 lifetimes. Ramana maharishi  told he  meditated for more than 100 years in arunachala Hills  in his past lifetime. 

These people had spontaneous awakening in their present live. Don't know if it works in this way. 

One thing sure is that if you meditate wisely you will evolve consciously forward. 

Edited by Psychventure

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On 18/9/2020 at 6:33 PM, Psychventure said:

sadhguru claims that he performed intense sadhana for his past 3 lifetimes. Ramana maharishi  told he  meditated for more than 100 years in arunachala Hills  in his past lifetime. 

They love so much to talk of themselves and show how special they are, over all shadguru. 

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On 9/17/2020 at 0:14 PM, Jay Ray said:

If I spend time trying to awaken, like multiple hours a day and then eventual I do, will this affect my future life or future karma in some way? 



will donating my time and money to help those who suffer affect my next life positively as well? maybe I should focus on that more?



when others ask why I am meditating for hours a day and that I am "not being productive. wasting my time", what should I say? 

That you are productive with the other hours, as they likely will not understand. 



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On 9/17/2020 at 0:14 PM, Jay Ray said:

If I spend time trying to awaken, like multiple hours a day and then eventual I do, will this affect my future life or future karma in some way? 

will donating my time and money to help those who suffer affect my next life positively as well? maybe I should focus on that more?

when others ask why I am meditating for hours a day and that I am "not being productive. wasting my time", what should I say? 

thank you!

Meditation is mistaken for just sitting around all day ... you can meditate all day everyday and not sit around every moment of life should be spent in meditation and inquiry 

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On 9/18/2020 at 0:33 PM, Psychventure said:

@Jay Ray sadhguru claims that he performed intense sadhana for his past 3 lifetimes. Ramana maharishi  told he  meditated for more than 100 years in arunachala Hills  in his past lifetime. 

These people had spontaneous awakening in their present live. Don't know if it works in this way. 

One thing sure is that if you meditate wisely you will evolve consciously forward. 

This is one thing I don’t know is true because this is infinity we are talking about. 1 all things in the universe are your simultaneous lives past lives and future lives this works because time is one moment and doesn’t exist. 2. If reincarnation of an individual soul holds any weight in truth I feel like none of our past reincarnations have been anything like earth . Because it’s infinity 

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2 hours ago, Mvrs said:

This is one thing I don’t know is true because this is infinity we are talking about. 1 all things in the universe are your simultaneous lives past lives and future lives this works because time is one moment and doesn’t exist. 2. If reincarnation of an individual soul holds any weight in truth I feel like none of our past reincarnations have been anything like earth . Because it’s infinity 

Exactly, first, time is an illusion, all is simultaneously, no time. Second, there is only one being ( well I'm not sure of this but is something accepted), so who has past lifes?.and 3, there are 1 after 100 zeros of stars , maybe your past life, if this thing exist, was really far. I think that shadguru and this kind of people talk many bullshit, better dont trust anyone except yourself, and better neither yourself

Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 17/09/2020 at 5:14 PM, Jay Ray said:

If I spend time trying to awaken, like multiple hours a day and then eventual I do, will this affect my future life or future karma in some way? 

will donating my time and money to help those who suffer affect my next life positively as well? maybe I should focus on that more?

when others ask why I am meditating for hours a day and that I am "not being productive. wasting my time", what should I say? 

thank you!

Awakening allows you to see all life as one, therefore 'your' future life & karma is not separate from anyone else's. In fact, our present life is inseparable too, but we can't see it yet. Your efforts supporting others raises the wellbeing of the whole community, which is your true self anyway. similarly, meditating to raise your own consciousness is also good and productive for everyone else :)

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What afterlife? You only got one.

This is not  a videogame, your progress doesn't carry into your next attempt.

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Every life is both your past, present, and future life. 

There is no linear sequence to what lives you live.  If that were true, then that would mean there was a first life you lived and an end life you will live.  This would mean that there was a beginning point to when you started living lives, but of course, as God(who is Absolutely Infinite) you never had a beginning, nor will you have an end. 

Linearity necessarily implies finiteness but the amount of lives you lived/are living/will live is absolutely infinite, so how could it have had a beginning or end? With no beginning or end, there is no “next” or “before”.  Every point in Infinity is the very center! 

How could “you“ go to the “next” life when there is no such thing as “you” to begin with? This idea is born from the ego. It implies that there is some unique individual identity that moves on from life to life, but as everyone on this forum should understand: YOU HAVE NO IDENTITY.  

Your actual identity is God, which is all identities and none at the same time.  And God lives all lives at once, in the Eternal NOW. 


Edited by The Lucid Dreamer

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when others ask why I am meditating for hours a day and that I am "not being productive. wasting my time", what should I say? 

There is not much to say. If you meditate enough and eventually reach a very high state of consciousness, you will probably transcend the need to be productive. Productivity or "Wasting time" become laughable. No way other people will understand.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

I think that shadguru and this kind of people talk many bullshit, better dont trust anyone except yourself, and better neither yourself.

Well said.

According to Alan Watts - You are karma.


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38 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

What afterlife? You only got one.

This is not  a videogame, your progress doesn't carry into your next attempt.

What if it is and it does?  Lol. ?

@Jay Ray But seriously tho.. I don't think it's helpful to think of it that way. The goal of meditation is to awaken to the present moment.. Which is eternity itself that transcends all lives.   There is no afterlife just in the same sense that there is no tomorrow or even next moment.. It's all just NOW. So you should awaken NOW for a better NOW.. Not for a better "afterlife" that will also be lived NOW. 

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Mafortu How would you know? I've had paranormal experiences myself that others in the same house have also shared that were all eerily similar to mine, which included floating objects, bizarre sounds and much more, that the son of psychic would have visions/nightmares about during this debacle without having any prior contact to any of us. 

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