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UK Based People - London Area

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Hi I've been watching Actualized content for some time now, around 2 years or so. I've also recently purchased the life purpose course (although this is not what this post is about). I was just watching Leo's "9 stages of ego development part 3" and at the very end he mentioned that on the forum you can try to find people in your local area who are also involved with these kinds of teachings and higher consciousness work. 

Just thought I'd put up a post (I'm not sure if there has been one before) asking if there are a significant number of people who are on this forum who are in or around London (UK). If there are perhaps there are some kind of video/in person meet ups we could arrange to discuss career development and entrepreneurship. 

Is anyone interested in this idea?

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Hey, I might be down sometime, if there are sufficient people. 

Edited by ravlondon

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