
Spiritual Practices are not a doing

1 post in this topic

... But you have to do them

In order to be able to grasp nonduality experientially one needs to turn the attention of the mind Inwards. The nature of the mind is to seek outside and by not doing anything it will continue to do so.

 By saying that there's nothing to be done some teachers are lying, in a way, or are speaking to someone who already has their mind introverted. 

Self inquiry and Do nothing are such example of a spiritual practice (Sadhana)   - there is a lot written on this forum about them, not going to repeat what is probably already common knowledge for members here. But those are not really a doing, the very practice is to go away from the doing and into the being/subject that holds the doing. They are used to go deeper into the heart of experience NOW rather than go outwards into mind concepts and perceived substances  and experiences of this world. 

But if you don't do the practice, the mind will be naturally inclined, due to conditioning, to look in the wrong direction. Truth is there, but if you are looking in the other direction, you won't be able to recognize it.




Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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