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Even materialism supports nothingness

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"When a piece of seemingly solid matter like a human hand is placed under a microscope, we can see that it is made up of molecules. As we move closer, we see atoms, the tiny shadowy balls dancing around their fixed locations. And now we focus on one of the atoms; its interior is lightly veiled by a cloud of electrons. We come closer, increasing the magnification. The shell dissolves and we look on the inside to find… nothing. Somewhere within that emptiness, we know is a nucleus. We scan the space, and there it is, a tiny dot. At last, we have discovered something hard and solid, a reference point. But no! as we move closer to the nucleus, it too begins to dissolve. It too is nothing more than an oscillating field, waves of rhythm. Inside the nucleus are other organized fields: protons, neutrons, even smaller “particles.” Each of these, upon our approach, also dissolve into pure rhythm." - George Leonard, The Silent Pulse


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