Someone here

I'm waking up!

97 posts in this topic

Congrats Someone here :)

"Your" awakening was it like you got it like intellectually or was there a energetic sift?


"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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4 minutes ago, kai0 said:

Ah another philosophy on how to get to some where 


Sit down and meditate.. And find out what is actual. 


6 minutes ago, kai0 said:

Do having intellect a bad thing? 


.It's just that the intellect must be dropped to realize what I'm saying. The mind has to be still. As long as you are on "yeah but this yeah but that" mode you won't get it. 

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Um I wont say but but I will say and

And how do this make it not philosophy? 

And get what? The philosophy your talking 

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6 minutes ago, Joker_Theory said:

Congrats Someone here :)

"Your" awakening was it like you got it like intellectually or was there a energetic sift?



It happened as An experience not as a theory.

  I had the theoretical foundation for a long time but here it became my  permanent living experience.  I can describe it as a clear seeing that I'm not this body.. mind and world. And have absolutely nothing to do with it. It's just a passing movie and my true nature is the watcher. A silent detached watcher forever. 

Imagine that you start viewing your body as not your body (not you) just like how you view other people's bodies as having nothing to do with who you are.   That's what I'm experiencing. 

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13 hours ago, Someone here said:

No "why" is answerable. 


Nothingness is waking up to itself. The separate self doesn't wake up because it is illusory.

It dissolves.. Or the appearance of it dissolves.. And the true Self shines.  It's just removing the mask of the seperate self and seeing what is actually there.

  There is no nothing wrong with the body. For you have yet to understand the body is here to do what it's here to do.   Think about other human bodies that you see on the streets.. Do you bother with what  they are doing?  No. for you understand they are not you. Who is waking up? Now imagine you add "this body" to the list until the whole world including your body is seen from the perspective of a "pre-written movie that has nothing to do with you as the watcher nor is it in your control."     It's one thing tho to theorize about this.. And to actually experience it as being the case.

@Joker_Theory Wow that just reminded me in a strong way again about the pre-written movie that has nothing to do with you as the watcher nor is it in your control.

Don't one gain control when one wakes up?

Edited by Joker_Theory

"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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7 minutes ago, kai0 said:

Um I wont say but but I will say and

And how do this make it not philosophy? 

And get what? The philosophy your talking 

Actual nothingness is not your concept about it. I can't explain it to you and you can't understand it.  You either experience this or not. 

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3 minutes ago, Joker_Theory said:


Don't one gain control when one wakes up?

The true Self is always in control. The false self is not since its not even real. 

Nothing is in control.  And that nothing is YOU. 

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Does this means nothingness is not every thing? bcause there is also my concept about it? So two things nothingness and concepts or maybe three things nothingness and concepts and distinctions

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Just now, kai0 said:

Does this means nothingness is not every thing? bcause there is also my concept about it? So two things nothingness and concepts or maybe three things nothingness and concepts and distinctions

There is no difference between anything. There is nothing but nothing. 

Stop trying to get it using the mind. Sit down and become perfectly still. And the rest will take care of itself. 


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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

Said the intellect. :)

Do not take it as me devaluing your experience, it does sound legit from the way you speak.

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10 minutes ago, Someone here said:


It happened as An experience not as a theory.

  I had the theoretical foundation for a long time but here it became my  permanent living experience.  I can describe it as a clear seeing that I'm not this body.. mind and world. And have absolutely nothing to do with it. It's just a passing movie and my true nature is the watcher. A silent detached watcher forever. 

Imagine that you start viewing your body as not your body (not you) just like how you view other people's bodies as having nothing to do with who you are.   That's what I'm experiencing. 

Wowww that's cool. I get it intellectually and so i get what you saying and sounds freeing. I forget that i am the watcher and get lost in the movie all ways and only intellectually awaken here and there every day :)

"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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The mind is something or nothing? Why I cant get it through the mind if its nothing also? 

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@Joker_Theory the identification with the body will come and go. The watcher must forget that it's just the watcher and become diffused with the body. That way the body can survive. The body needs the watcher to survive. The watcher doesn't need the body. But even when there is an appearance of identifying with the body.. You never actually cease being your ultimate true nature. 

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3 minutes ago, kai0 said:

 Why I cant get it through the mind if its nothing? 

Precisely because it's nothing.

The nothing that you think is not actual nothing.. And that's why you think you can "get it". The nothing that I'm pointing to is not the nothing that you think you can get. For it's not nothing.. It's nothing! 

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15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Joker_Theory the identification with the body will come and go. The watcher must forget that it's just the watcher and become diffused with the body. That way the body can survive. The body needs the watcher to survive. The watcher doesn't need the body. But even when there is an appearance of identifying with the body.. You never actually cease being your ultimate true nature. 

True :)

"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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Sounds like a very distinct thing (some thing) 


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@Mikael89 enlightenment is always here and now.   But it's a matter of are you conscious of it or not.    Mostly it's the mind and egoic endeavors that is veiling it.   Because the mind thinks there is something to get or somewhere to go.. That something is lacking somehow.. That something is wrong somewhere..that I'm not good enough.. That this moment is not perfect yet enough .. Etc.  Once you calm your mind and become the present moment you are "there" my friend.. As you already are. 

Edited by Someone here

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On 9/17/2020 at 3:34 PM, Someone here said:


Meditate daily.  Practice self - inquiry daily. Ramana maharshi method.. Asking who am I? .. Answers will come up.. "I'm this body I'm that guy I'm this thought etc".. Notice that you are not that because these are temporary appearances that comes and goes but you are ever present. And keep subtracting.  

Also read the collection of Robert Adam's satsangs.. I've post it on the high consciousness resource section. It's very helpful. 

If I take a piece of wood and hit your head. Will u still be conscious?

Haha sorry if it sounds aggressive but I got stuck with this thought and couldn’t get further with my self inquiry. I basically got to a point that I’m consciousness functioning through the body. So I’m the body as well.

I couldn’t find your post in the forum and in any other place. Can u please send me a link of Robert Adam’s collection?

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33 minutes ago, Heaven said:

If I take a piece of wood and hit your head. Will u still be conscious? 

A classical one.

See the trick is what is "consciousness"?  If you define consciousness as sight sound touch smell etc.. That's definitely will be absent. Just like in deep sleep.   But the problem is we identify ourselves with these temporary appearances when we are actually  the ever-present emptiness that contains everything inside of it. 

So you wake up in the morning.. Sight sound touch smell.. A body and a world appear.. They  appear inside of what ???   Inside of awareness.. For if there wasn't An awareness that is prior to these appearances.. Where else can they appear "within"???   .. Ok so in deep sleep there isnt even awareness.. That's right.. Deep sleep is the sate of nothingness.. That's your real nature.. That's who you really are.. That's the only thing that doesn't come and go.. Ever-present.. Therefore the most real state of being is the state of nothing.. The most fundamental state of being is the state of nothing .... And" within" this nothing appears awareness.. And within this awareness appears all sorts of dreams... The waking dream and the sleeping dreams. Are just temporary appearances within the ever - present nothingness. 

33 minutes ago, Heaven said:

 I couldn’t find your post in the forum and in any other place. Can u please send me a link of Robert Adam’s collection

Very helpful. 

Edited by Someone here

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