
Self inquiry

9 posts in this topic

Hi all!

I am new here, congratulations for the community.

First of all, English is not my native language so I am using google translator, and I know that the word for these topics is difficult because it tends to confuse, I hope it is interpreted well.

I am practicing self-inquiry and I would like to be sure that I am not wasting my time, as I am spending a lot of time on it.

when I ask: who am I? At the beginning all kinds of answers came, ok, over time when I ask this question there are no answers, but a 'feeling' arises that 'I am being' and I observe it, and no thoughts arise, I notice that in this observation Very subtle thoughts arise that do not distract me, they are born and they go instantly.

So that feeling of 'I am' that arises when I ask the question, 'Who am I?' Is it the source of all thoughts, emotions etc? is the famous observer? This famous observer realizes that who is asking the question is the same? then the answers disappear?

Is it something like when the observer realizes what is being observed and the conflict ceases?

thanks in advance and sorry if there are language errors, it may make the interpretation difficult.

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You are awareness. All objects which arise - the body, thoughts, feelings, the world etc -- you are aware of it all. The point is to be aware of being aware. Which is the same as being pure awareness without any phenomena or feelings arising. So when you ask ''Who am I'', you get the feeling and sense of ''me'' -- which may feeling like a thought and feeling in the body. Stay aware of the feeling of ''I'', then you will eventually realise you are aware of the feeling of I. So you eventually drop the question who am I, and drop all thoughts and perceptions and remain as stillness.

Be still, to put it simply.

I really recommend reading ''Be as You Are'' by David Godman - which explains it all in the words of Ramana Maharshi. There are translations available in many different languages.

Also check out Mooji and Rupert Spira on Youtube -- I'm sure you can find translations in your own language.

Hope this helps Franco!

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39 minutes ago, Samuel Garcia said:

Eres conciencia. Todos los objetos que surgen (el cuerpo, los pensamientos, los sentimientos, el mundo, etc.) son conscientes de todo. El punto es ser consciente de ser consciente. Que es lo mismo que ser pura conciencia sin que surja ningún fenómeno o sentimiento. Entonces, cuando preguntas "¿Quién soy yo?", Obtienes el sentimiento y la sensación de "mí", que puede sentirse como un pensamiento y un sentimiento en el cuerpo. Manténgase consciente del sentimiento del "yo", entonces eventualmente se dará cuenta de que está consciente del sentimiento del yo. Así que eventualmente abandona la pregunta quién soy yo, abandona todos los pensamientos y percepciones y permanece en la quietud.

Quédate quieto, para decirlo simplemente.

Realmente recomiendo leer "Be as You Are" de David Godman, que lo explica todo con las palabras de Ramana Maharshi. Hay traducciones disponibles en muchos idiomas diferentes.

Consulte también Mooji y Rupert Spira en Youtube. Estoy seguro de que puede encontrar traducciones en su propio idioma.

¡Espero que esto ayude a Franco!

Hello Samuel, thank you very much for your answer.

very clear, then you have to maintain the presence in that feeling of 'I' that arises as a result of self-inquiry.

My other query, what difference is there between this 'I' (emerged from self-inquiry) and the ego?

Thank you.

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2 minutes ago, Franco said:

Hello Samuel, thank you very much for your answer.

very clear, then you have to maintain the presence in that feeling of 'I' that arises as a result of self-inquiry.

My other query, what difference is there between this 'I' (emerged from self-inquiry) and the ego?

Thank you.

Samuel explained it very well and I would echo that. Your new question is already answered in his previous response. The deepest feeling/sensation of I that you get still appears to you. That feeling of I is the ego and the space in which that "I" is known is the awareness which we all are in our deepest true-est nature. Beyond our form identities. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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 Here is a post I wrote about a month ago about Self inquiry which might be useful to you in your practice.

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Franco If you’re still experiencing it, it isn’t the true I. So continue to inquire into the apparent knower of the experience. This isn’t exactly a relaxing endeavor, it’s a constant inner search for something that’s, in a sense, both out of reach, but also the only thing you can be absolutely sure of — that you ARE (aware/existing).

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@Franco There is only one ''me'' not two ''me''. Normally we think that we are the body-mind (ego) in our daily life. But in fact we are the awareness and always are even if you think we are this human body who has a whole life, and a job, and a family and friends etc.  So in fact when we see ourselves as we trulty are, we see we are the awareness and the ego was never a real entity but a mistaken identity because we got lost in thoughts and perceptions. 

Just practice self-inquiry. Be still. And many questions will subside.

I also found this youtube channel in Spanish for you if it helps! It's called Divulgación.


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First of all, thank you very much to all who are contributing. :)


3 hours ago, The0Self said:

@Franco If you’re still experiencing it, it isn’t the true I. So continue to inquire into the apparent knower of the experience. This isn’t exactly a relaxing endeavor, it’s a constant inner search for something that’s, in a sense, both out of reach, but also the only thing you can be absolutely sure of — that you ARE (aware/existing).

Ok, here we go.

I have saved your message.

When I self inquiry, the "I" arises, not as a verbal response obviously, but as a presence, who observes this?

Recently I have tried to go further, that is, to take a step back to identify who is that observer of the "I", (something like "being aware that I am aware of the" I ") it turned out that the feeling of" I "ceased , and I experienced a feeling of softness like being out of the body, after this, I couldn't go any further.

If it's okay, it's a new discovery for me. I don't know if this is the right thing to do anyway.

grateful for your help!

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@Franco as long as you are looking for "who is ware of X Y Z ?" you still not getting it.   There is no distinction between the "I" thought and the awareness of the "I" thought.   There is no "one" aware of thoughts.. The one who is aware is a thought made of awareness.. And awareness is not aware of thoughts.. Awareness is the thought taking the form of it.. So ultimately all this battle inside your head to catch "who you really are" is pointless. It is for you to recognize that it's pointless because all these dualities must collapse ultimately. Observer =observed =observing ="I" =thoughts =awareness=being. 

Edited by Someone here

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