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Do All Epiphanies Accompany Awakening And Enlightenment Experiences

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Do breakthroughs like thoughts are not my happening in my head, time is an illusion (this was clear during awakening), experience is what the we/Universe/God creates instead of what happens to us, and so on should always accompany an awakening? Or, they can hit you after post-awakening also? Because I am not sure whether I am just making it all up or these are in fact breakthroughs. The original awakening, however, was drastically different that was filled with energy, Love, Bliss, temporary dropping of ego, and realization of One Being.

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All sorts of combinations are possible. There are not hard rules.

Yes, you pretty much guaranteed to have various profound insights even after your first few awakenings.

Your first few awakenings are not going to make everything crystal clear. You should still have many questions remaining.

See my video: The Many Facets of Awakening

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

All sorts of combinations are possible. There are not hard rules.

Yes, you pretty much guaranteed to have various profound insights even after your first few awakenings.

Your first few awakenings are not going to make everything crystal clear. You should still have many questions remaining.

See my video: The Many Facets of Awakening

I have watched the video more than twice. It was excellent! And, I have many questions than I need direct answers for. Like what is Nothingness? What is Infinite Intelligence? What is Absolute Infinity? But, words are tricky and the mind gets attached to the concept of these words, which I am sure are not anywhere remotely close to the actual experience itself. The only facets I am aware of are - Absolute Love, Absolute Bliss, Oneness, Consciousness/Awareness as the substance of reality, no self, and timelessness. There's much more to find out.

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