
Pentagon releases UFO footage

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Uh oh looks like the humans noticed one of our cameras in action


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@purerogue I'm sure, but I'm pretty sure if you did this exercise thoroughly you'd find UFOs in the US and Brazil more than other countries. 

I did a research project supporting that inference in high school, and it was pretty thorough. 

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2 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

@purerogue I'm sure, but I'm pretty sure if you did this exercise thoroughly you'd find UFOs in the US and Brazil more than other countries. 

I did a research project supporting that inference in high school, and it was pretty thorough. 

Try to look for information from countries with similar size and population, I think you cant expect to get same amount of reports from country with 2 mil people, USA is about size of EU . 

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2 minutes ago, purerogue said:

Try to look for information from countries with similar size and population, I think you cant expect to get same amount of reports from country with 2 mil people, USA is about size of EU . 

someone's too attached to the Gaussian distribution. 9_9

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Could these two, seemingly contradictiory, statements both be true:

1.) That the U. S. government, military and intelligence services sanctioned counter-intelligence operations (dumping seemingly legit military memos, and intelligence service reports, that were actually fabricated, to selected individuals that saw some peculiar flying objects), in a grander attempt to deliberately mislead and convince large parts of the American public, to believe that some outoworldly flying objects they saw in the sky, were of some extraterrestrial origin, in order, to hide the fact, that what they saw were actually newly technologically advanced military aircraft and weapons program's developed by the US government and military, that they were testing out in secrecy, in order to gain military and technological advantage over another great power (the USSR for example during the time of the 80's and 90's, when there was as an explosion of reported UFO sightings), in order, for them, to prevent it from being leaked in the general public as highly technologically advanced aircraft, so as to potentially not allow other competing great powers intelligence services, through dumbfounded U. S. civilians, to acquire or get some military intelligence, info on those aircraft. 

2) That still, some of those sighted peculiar aircraft, were actual UFOs, not developed by any nation's government or military, of unknown, possibly extraterrestrial, non-human origin. 

Edited by Milos Uzelac

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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45 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

someone's too attached to the Gaussian distribution. 9_9

Hey I might be wrong and maybe  there are way more reports in USA, I am just giving my thoughts. 

From what I could find out there are about average 2000 reports in "EU"  yearly, it is not actually all EU just couple of countries that combined data, imagine that it might be quite difficult to get it from all countries as not all of them even have people,organizations dedicated on gathering this information, given how this data is incomplete and even if we look just at this number I can't say that UFO sightings in USA are so much superior to EU, let alone all world. 

Edited by purerogue

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2 hours ago, arlin said:

As if there hasn't been enough.


We're going to assume that something defying the laws of physics really exists? That our whole understanding of physics is wrong? Sorry, but I ain't buying it unless I see the tic tac moving above me.

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I have not seen any legit UFO video, ones I have seen can be explained, or are in such a bad quality that there is no point to even take them serious. 

But I have seen plenty of strange things myself, which makes me question why all the videos that go online are so bad. 


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3D-5D consciousness is the raising of frequency of this reality, in ourselves and the collective, and with this shift there will be more of us who are able to see higher energy technology and life forms, because it requires tapping into those higher dimensions with the naked eye (entering a certain frequency most have been chosen to experience). This is why it's always been so controversial to identify and claim the existence of UFOs. They should be called IFOs, because they've already been identified and utilized for a long time in the higher dimensions, working with our governmental agencies. They are invisible to the 3D experience of consciousness, but the collective is shifting out of it this year, so the reveal is now available to happen on a larger scale. 


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Change payback speed to 0.25 and watch at 13 seconds you can see what looks like a UFO from the top right of the screen flying over and blowing up the SpaceX rocket. They obviously don't want us living on Mars. 

Edited by andyjohnsonman

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33 minutes ago, andyjohnsonman said:



Change payback speed to 0.25 and watch at 13 seconds you can see what looks like a UFO from the top right of the screen flying over and blowing up the SpaceX rocket. They obviously don't want us living on Mars. 

I am quite sure I have seen similar videos from different events

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1 hour ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

If UFO's are objectively confirmed to be real, i think that will deal a serious blow to organized religion because it will reveal that humans aren't the center of the universe.

Evolution was just that tbh. It won’t change anyone’s mind.

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I'm not at all convinced that these are physical phenomena in the normal sense. I like what Terrence McKenna had to say on the subject. I'm having a hard time digging up a clip, but essentially he thinks UFOs are a sort of mass Jungian hallucination, something that is quasi-real in that they can be part of an experience shared by multiple people, but not physically as real as a tree that we can go up to and touch.

He said is that he saw a classic Flying Saucer at one time. It came very close, close enough that he could see the rivets in the metal. He said it looked just like a classic 50s flying saucer. He questioned why would an extremely advanced spacefaring alien be building something that was in the style of a 50s vacuum cleaner, and be using rivets? He conclusion was that these are not real in the normal sense, but were somehow generated from a mass cultural expectation of what these things should be.

In support of this idea, the style of UFOs that are sighted has changed over the decades, in a way that stylistically matches the gestalt of the era. In the 50-70s people were seeing WWII style flying saucers. Then they started seeing the flying triangles in the 80s and 90s. Now people are seeing more ethereal energy orbs. Why would an advanced alien technology coming from thousands of light-years away be upgrading their craft in order to match earthling aesthetics every couple of decades? It seems it's somehow intertwined with our own consciousness, memories and ideas. 

And they always appear on the fringe of recordability, nebulous, like a receding horizon.

They might be so strange and hard to comprehend that we can't really pin them down as literal spacecraft from afar. If they're real they might be so bizarre and advanced that we can't contextualize them the way we think of normal physical objects like rocket ships and rocks.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Extraordinary evidence requires an extraordinarily open mind.

My friend 

This is quite a truth bomb 

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17 minutes ago, outlandish said:

I'm not at all convinced that these are physical phenomena in the normal sense. I like what Terrence McKenna had to say on the subject. I'm having a hard time digging up a clip, but essentially he thinks UFOs are a sort of mass Jungian hallucination, something that is quasi-real in that they can be part of an experience shared by multiple people, but not physically as real as a tree that we can go up to and touch.

He said is that he saw a classic Flying Saucer at one time. It came very close, close enough that he could see the rivets in the metal. He said it looked just like a classic 50s flying saucer. He questioned why would an extremely advanced spacefaring alien be building something that was in the style of a 50s vacuum cleaner, and be using rivets? He conclusion was that these are not real in the normal sense, but were somehow generated from a mass cultural expectation of what these things should be.

In support of this idea, the style of UFOs that are sighted has changed over the decades, in a way that stylistically matches the gestalt of the era. In the 50-70s people were seeing WWII style flying saucers. Then they started seeing the flying triangles in the 80s and 90s. Now people are seeing more ethereal energy orbs. Why would an advanced alien technology coming from thousands of light-years away be upgrading their craft in order to match earthling aesthetics every couple of decades? It seems it's somehow intertwined with our own consciousness, memories and ideas. 

And they always appear on the fringe of recordability, nebulous, like a receding horizon.

They might be so strange and hard to comprehend that we can't really pin them down as literal spacecraft from afar. If they're real they might be so bizarre and advanced that we can't contextualize them the way we think of normal physical objects like rocket ships and rocks.

It actually makes sense if it happen to come from place out of our logic,conceptual limits, breaking our reality so to say, best our brain can do would be put it together in form that is  closest to resemble it in our imagination.

Edited by purerogue

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1 hour ago, outlandish said:

I'm not at all convinced that these are physical phenomena in the normal sense. I like what Terrence McKenna had to say on the subject. I'm having a hard time digging up a clip, but essentially he thinks UFOs are a sort of mass Jungian hallucination, something that is quasi-real in that they can be part of an experience shared by multiple people, but not physically as real as a tree that we can go up to and touch.

He said is that he saw a classic Flying Saucer at one time. It came very close, close enough that he could see the rivets in the metal. He said it looked just like a classic 50s flying saucer. He questioned why would an extremely advanced spacefaring alien be building something that was in the style of a 50s vacuum cleaner, and be using rivets? He conclusion was that these are not real in the normal sense, but were somehow generated from a mass cultural expectation of what these things should be.

In support of this idea, the style of UFOs that are sighted has changed over the decades, in a way that stylistically matches the gestalt of the era. In the 50-70s people were seeing WWII style flying saucers. Then they started seeing the flying triangles in the 80s and 90s. Now people are seeing more ethereal energy orbs. Why would an advanced alien technology coming from thousands of light-years away be upgrading their craft in order to match earthling aesthetics every couple of decades? It seems it's somehow intertwined with our own consciousness, memories and ideas. 

And they always appear on the fringe of recordability, nebulous, like a receding horizon.

They might be so strange and hard to comprehend that we can't really pin them down as literal spacecraft from afar. If they're real they might be so bizarre and advanced that we can't contextualize them the way we think of normal physical objects like rocket ships and rocks.

What do you think about the Commander Fravor incident?

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1 hour ago, outlandish said:

he thinks UFOs are a sort of mass Jungian hallucination, something that is quasi-real in that they can be part of an experience shared by multiple people, but not physically as real as a tree that we can go up to and touch.

But that is not what people report.

Bob Lazar talks about flying UFOs like a car.

They are as real as trees, is the claim.

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1 hour ago, outlandish said:

In support of this idea, the style of UFOs that are sighted has changed over the decades, in a way that stylistically matches the gestalt of the era. In the 50-70s people were seeing WWII style flying saucers. Then they started seeing the flying triangles in the 80s and 90s. Now people are seeing more ethereal energy orbs. Why would an advanced alien technology coming from thousands of light-years away be upgrading their craft in order to match earthling aesthetics every couple of decades? It seems it's somehow intertwined with our own consciousness, memories and ideas.

Orbs are pretty old, they have been called "Foo fighters" in World War II. Flying saucers don't seem genuine to me, I've always thought they were man made.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

But that is not what people report.

Bob Lazar talks about flying UFOs like a car.

They are as real as trees, is the claim.

Although be careful with Bob Lazar, some of the things he reported don't make him as credible as people might assume. For example, the hand scanner he said was being used as a unique tool in the facilities he worked at were actually common, and even shown in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which released before the whole thing with Bob Lazar, and which Bob Lazar has actually seen aswell.

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