
I just thought this was funny

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You know how AI and ads interface so well that you randomly get ads for what you were just about to decide to go out and buy? It gets feedback from crowd activity and their interactions with the system constantly and it’s always learning... How funny would it be if it was actually so much more advanced than we realized... such that the minute you became awakened doing some self inquiry, the next minute a significant portion of your (for instance) suggested YouTube vids were vids like “how to deal with aimlessness after seeing through the me” or “after awakening, what do” etc. That would certainly indicate that “Great Awakening” theory ?

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Synchronicity works like that, the universe will do it for you if you're alligned. You will see what you need to when you need to, not necessarily on YouTube algorithm. 

I've had the word Celestine appear in my mind without knowing what it means. Then I found out it was a special crystal, i got the book "The celestine prophecy " and I went on to realise things about reality that my logical mind still doesn't want to accept sometimes. 

How the heck did it appear in my mind without knowing the word? Cant be the YouTube algorithm at work. 





Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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