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I’m taking a required class on philosophy for college

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I’m not  mr enlightened nor can I say I have much more knowledge than anyone else. however after listening to Leo’s work for years and doing psychedelics along with having a couple moments of non dual breakthroughs I cannot really sit through a class and reason the same way that the teacher is asking me to do. I feel like I possess an understanding that I cannot really explain within the criteria he is asking me to express it in.

for context my teacher has a PHD in Philosophy. Is very focused on disproving the existence of god and particularly through the lens of Christianity. I mostly kept quiet but he noticed my essays and we had a few conversations revolving around non duality and ego development. The problem I reached was that his understanding of the world was completely self referential(Similar to maybe a christian citing the Bible, he cited the scientific method and an objective reality.)

well I dropped all response to his emails as I felt it was somewhat hopeless and futile to express any of my views to him, as mine were self referential as well(only with an understanding of the perception oriented nature of reality) 

What is your advice for confronting/ speaking with people who approach life this way? Especially in an Institution or university where you are expected to produce honest work and essays around your own views in their criteria. 

I attached the convo. Maybe you guys could also find some holes in my understanding as well. 





Edited by Jo96
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