
how do I get me depersonalization back

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When I was younger I’ve had bursts at times of feeling depersonalized. It mostly happened at night around large crowds of people.Not knowing anything about enlightenment and thinking I was a human with something wrong with me I kinda tried my best to push it away. how to do get it back if there’s anyway?

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Being in your body is better. Focus on integration and being in the presence of your holy nature not disassocisting so you can experience it, being the experience and the experiencer. 

Edited by DreamScape

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@Nate0068 by grounding yourself in the present moment and by becoming aware of your thoughts, feelings, and perception.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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1 hour ago, Nate0068 said:

When I was younger I’ve had bursts at times of feeling depersonalized. It mostly happened at night around large crowds of people.Not knowing anything about enlightenment and thinking I was a human with something wrong with me I kinda tried my best to push it away. how to do get it back if there’s anyway?

Be careful what you wish for, depersonalization is not really a state one would want to stay in for very long, it's rather a transitionary one like an incomplete enlightenment where the ego resists its death and disconnects from reality and all feelings and experiences (Even love becomes very distant and it's hard to be compassionate towards others). I think what you asked for is how to get presence back, presence is when your consciousness is conscious of itself, it's when you're able to be completely in the moment and so your thoughts can't control you and you're able to see through the veil of the mind, I believe that's kind of what you said you experienced as a kid, because for me I was way more present when I was a child than when I became older and it's true for most people. From my experience with depersonalization (I still have a form of it), it's not something you want to get, instead do what @DreamScape and @Galyna said and focus on your body and emotions, try to accept your fear so that when the moment comes and you confront your true nature, you don't panic and close down in fear and so become depersonalized (Like what happened to me) but instead you go through that fear of no-self and have a complete awakening, I believe it's possible as many people have done it (And maybe even you have experienced something like that) but i'm not talking about a temporary thing but rather a permanent state of consciousness where there is no fear or ignorance of one's true nature left. Wish you good luck in your journey.

Edited by Erick
Grammar mistake

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It's a bad idea... Better get enlightened than depersonalized. It truly is a in-between state lacking mental focus, you can't keep it for long the brain fixes itself,otherwise your survival would be less likely,as you would find it hard to perform tasks.

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If you become the space in which a person appears and responds to the world, this seems okay to me. From time to time, awareness inhabits the person completely, other times, the person is seen from the space of awareness. But the person needs to engage with life, don’t get lost in the space, allow the space to be that in which life unfolds.

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12 hours ago, Erick said:

Be careful what you wish for, depersonalization is not really a state one would want to stay in for very long, it's rather a transitionary one like an incomplete enlightenment where the ego resists its death and disconnects from reality and all feelings and experiences



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could you describe the feeling you had as a child, and are you sure you aren't incorrectly associating  with your adult idea of depersonalization?

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Detachment/depersonalization is a really powerful technique to calm yourself down and to reach high stage of self inquiry. 

You can get depersonalized by focusing on the present moment and doing that as you were some spectator who is watching a movie WITHOUT judging or labeling anything.

So, if you hear an airplane, resist the urge to label the sound as an airplane sound, but rather focus on experiencing the sound. 

Just focus then on the perceptions as a spectator. 

This is really hard to do, but if you're good, you can feel yourself detached from yourself within minutes. 

Formal meditation practices and psychedelics will help you to detach yourself further. 

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@Nate0068 @Vittorio


Depersonalization disorder (DPD), also known as depersonalization/derealization disorder (DPDR),[3] is a mental disorder in which the person has persistent or recurrent feelings of depersonalization or derealization. Depersonalization is described as feeling disconnected or detached from one's self. Individuals experiencing depersonalization may report feeling as if they are an outside observer of their own thoughts or body, and often report feeling a loss of control over their thoughts or actions.

Depersonalization is NOT enlightenment, it is an anxiety disorder and a response to intense trauma being processed within the nervous system.
Please be careful when in such states, it is not a matter of keeping yourself depersonalized, but grounding back into the body. It has nothing to do with 'higher states of consciousness', it is a response to trauma.

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13 hours ago, Martin123 said:

@Nate0068 @Vittorio

Depersonalization is NOT enlightenment, it is an anxiety disorder and a response to intense trauma being processed within the nervous system.
Please be careful when in such states, it is not a matter of keeping yourself depersonalized, but grounding back into the body. It has nothing to do with 'higher states of consciousness', it is a response to trauma.

It depends of the kind of depersonalization we are talking about. Some are illnesses and some are meditation/spiritual induced.

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26 minutes ago, Vittorio said:

It depends of the kind of depersonalization we are talking about. Some are illnesses and some are meditation/spiritual induced.

This is what I believe.

I've had some depersonalised experiences on psychedelics and it was wonderful and I'd love for it to happen without the use of psychedelics. Or perhaps it was just ego death while under the influence (i.e default brain network responsible for things such as ego was affected by the drugs).

This makes me wonder what is the difference between ego death and depersonalization? 

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28 minutes ago, arlin said:

@Just Do Nothing No, whatever you experienced is not DP.

Dp is absolutely horrible. You are confused.

I am confused. Depersonalisation,  out of body experience, derealization. I don't see the difference between their definitions.

Whatever I experienced was a detachment from my self. And I've also detached from my body.  Sometimes it's been great sometimes a little scary but I've managed it and enjoyed the ride anyway. 

Why can't one have a good DP?

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@Just Do Nothing DP implies no free will and feeling you don't control you body and your thoughts.

At least this was for me, it's out of control. You can't have a good DP because there is no "you" in the DP.

You are gone, and the past doesn't exist so yesterday never happend. It's scary man, it's not wonderfull. At least that's how i experienced. The past being illusion is derealization.

You see other people as puppets with no free will. You are alone. Completely. Even if you reach out nobody can help you.

It's horrifying. What you experienced is not DP/DR. Go in a DP/DR forum and read what they say. It's a living hell.


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To all the people here who are promoting DPD as a spiritual experience...

I’m gently asking everyone not to do so, I’m speaking from personal experience where I’ve experienced 2+ years of depersonalisations, and I’m also someone who in my current awareness lives in a state of self-realisation and what many here call enlightenment.


The two experiences have nothing in common.

DPD should never be glorified as a spiritual experience, it should be seen as a symptom of resurfacing of trauma or intense emotional experiences. It can happen during spiritual awakening but it is a symptom of healing trauma, not a state of higher consciousness.


saying DPD is a spiritual experience is misinformed at best, please take responsibility for the things you speak of just so individuals who experience the real terror of DPD don’t get confused and aren’t damaged in the process.


If a mainstream therapist saw this they would probably flip out about the misinformation being conveyed here. 

Thank you kindly.

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