Focus Shift

Is There Free Will

29 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Member said:

Planned by what/who?

By the consciousness itself. I told about that in my message.

Edited by Vittorio

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Here is an elegant definition of the freedom of the Mind:


It is the apparent lack of the freedom and wilfulness associated with mind that accounts for the predictable laws of science. Where mind is insufficiently actualized, it shows no traces of free will. It simply obeys abstract mathematical laws as the path of least resistance, and these mathematical laws, in Nature, manifest themselves as the laws of science, which is why mathematics and science are so intimately connected. Just as an object will travel at a constant speed in straight line if not subjected to any force, so mind will move at its equivalent of constant speed and a straight line: it will behave mathematically. In mathematics, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line so an object will move in a straight line by default since why would it do anything different than that? To do something other than the default would require some form of higher thought and decision-making. At the core level of Nature, these qualities do not exist in a meaningful sense, so the path of least resistance is always followed. The laws of science are the expression of the lowest levels of mind obeying the simplest laws of mathematics. Hence, they are extremely reliable and predictable. As mind grows increasingly complex, it no longer obeys default positions. By the time mind reaches the level of human consciousness, it is wilful and free, no longer constrained by simple deterministic laws.

Source: "Hegel: The Man Who Would Be God"

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The question depends on the context.

Do I have free will as the false self, the separate human being I imagine myself to be? Obviously not.

Do I have free will as the true self, God? Obviously.

You have infinite free will. Your will is so infinite and so free that you are even capable of imagining yourself to be a "poor-little-me" stuck in a human body.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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49 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

The question depends on the context.

Do I have free will as the false self, the separate human being I imagine myself to be? Obviously not.

Do I have free will as the true self, God? Obviously.

You have infinite free will. Your will is so infinite and so free that you are even capable of imagining yourself to be a "poor-little-me" stuck in a human body.

Pfft if you think god can only be one meat suit at a time, you haven't seen much buddy.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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Free will ultimately boils down to the fact of what  'you' choose to experience in the infinite probabilities happening in the universe. You are the creator of your own story but it's buried too deep within you that you fail to notice it and you trick yourself into believing that everything is happening because of God or karma. You can't change the things that had already happened due to the rules of universe but the future course of actions you definitely have control over. Not only the choices you as an individual make but how the whole world makes the choice.

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2 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

The question depends on the context.

Do I have free will as the false self, the separate human being I imagine myself to be? Obviously not.

Do I have free will as the true self, God? Obviously.

You have infinite free will. Your will is so infinite and so free that you are even capable of imagining yourself to be a "poor-little-me" stuck in a human body.

Perfectly described ?⚡⚡

Fear is just a thought

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On 9/14/2020 at 1:48 AM, Focus Shift said:

it can be difficult to argue we have free will, considering the self is a myth. 

This is funny.   It's like saying it's difficult to argue there is water on planet potato given that planet potato doesn't even exist.  Yah very difficult!! 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Free will doesn't exist when it comes to making our day to day choices. When it comes to free will of the universe, either all the possibilities of the universe exists simultaneously and we get to experience something random or some rules define what we are supposed to experience most probably. ( Although there is a tiny connection within us that dictates what direction we proceed which ultimately can be called free will, as far as my understanding goes. But the sense of self needs to be lost and hence we can only be called an observer,)

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