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How The Last Stages Of Ego Development Motivate Themselves To Act In The World

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Just finished Leo's last video about the 9 stages of Ego Development, realized that i am a mix of Strategist and Construct-Aware with hints of Unitive stage. I can sense how magical and chaotic Reality is, at all times i have this altered perception like i am in a microdose of shrooms, then i realized that most of my unconscious behavior is motivated by fear of this whole process, an attempt to slow it down as much as possible.

Although i rarely do formal spiritual practices, i am always in contemplation and "sadhana" mode in a day-to-day basis, i think this triggered a rapid consciousness expansion (if you know what i mean). 

Those last few years i have been in a groundless state, flowing with the ever-changing chaos, trying to be present and not resist it. Intellectually, i can see a causation link of all events of my life, but, in a strange sense, i have this feeling that there is no causation at all, like things are just "happening" and i have little to no control of it. This whole process made me super reclusive and silent as i rarely feel like i can truly relate with people anymore.

Finally, i have been facing this issue with motivation after my normal state of consciousness passed through such rapid transformation. It is a real problem for me to REALLY want things like money, success, social life, stuff from stage orange. My consciousness became so fluid and relative that i have a hard time committing to anything, i fail to see the point but i know i am missing some essential part of the picture.

Leo said a few times that he never had this problem, he sees life as a video game etc.

I remember when i was at stage orange and i was motivated to earn money, make friends, have sex, have a great body shape etc.

I am curious to learn how people that are in those stages deal with this purposeless/groundless situation. 

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Seeing that others have the same infinite potential that started unfolding in you, and that if there is a way to support them in realizing it, you must do that.

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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@Recursoinominado I can relate to a lot of what you describe. I feel like I’m in “no man’s land” - not yet awakened on any sustaining level but also no longer living from the familiar ego patterns. One foot in both worlds and yet sometimes it paradoxically feels like not in either place at all. I relate to your frustrations on a social level, too. I can connect with others on the level they’re at, but it’s hard to find people who meet or push me beyond where I am, which can feel very lonely. 

5 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

I am curious to learn how people that are in those stages deal with this purposeless/groundless situation. 

I generally just feel grateful that the universe has brought me along for this crazy ride, and I think of it as an adventure I’m on that keeps bringing me to new and magical realms. And I remind myself that if I keep on keeping on, one day I might even realize that I’m not just the character in the dream but the Dreamer, too. 

Edited by tuckerwphotography

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5 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

I am curious to learn how people that are in those stages deal with this purposeless/groundless situation. 

Groundlessness is a phase, it will pass. 

Spirituality makes you transition from acting out of egoic motivations and desires to act not seeking a particular result but as an expression of love for existance. 

Why does God, totally complete and perfect by itself, creates reality? Becouse of love.

Why does a person who has trascended desire act? Becouse of love.

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