By Into The Void
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
If the study of non-duality has taught me anything, it is this: You cannot know who you are. All you can know for sure is what you are not. You are not the body, the mind, feelings, opinions. What is left? We are told by psychonauts and spiritual masters that what remains is consciousness or God. This is a mental construct. If we cannot know who we are, how can we know we are God? What an ego boost to imagine that God is running this biological machine. The words "God" and "Consciousness" refer to no-thing. They refer to the unknown. The mind says "aha!". I know all about what these words represent. I know about God and consciousness because I have worked hard and have achieved a higher level of understanding. It is still a mental construct. You believe in these mental constructs. You have faith in them. They are all concepts and you are deluding yourselves. I'll repeat; you cannot know who you are, If you think you know who you are, then you have fallen into the mind trap. You have focused on these mental constructs and believe you are on the road to understanding God, emptiness, love and the Universe. These words are concepts. They are "shots in the dark" aimed at the great mystery. Awaken to who you are not. Do not chase after mirages. If chasing mirages brings you happiness, then by all means do. The Universe is happening. It is not happening to a someone. Everything else is a story about what is happening. It's okay. Relax. You do not HAVE to know everything. If their is some underlying intelligence involved in creation then accept it; you cannot know what this intelligence is. If you think you know then you are chasing a mind construct.