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Natural Medication To Cure Sweating From Anti Depressants?

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Hey everyone,

I am taking Citalopram (SSRI) for about a year now. Luckily I feel very little symptons of side effects except my armpits, hands and feet are sweating quiet constantly.

I have noticed that the sweating increases when I drink coffee or other stimulants. Which is normal for almost everyone I guess. In my case though, I am sure its somehow connected to my overall nervousness and anxiety. 

I thought that I might find someone here who has experienced similar sensations and may have found a natural/herbal way to cure the sweatings. I know, those will probably be gone once I can live a life, free from my extreme nervousness and anxieties, but until then, a quick and natural cure would help alot.

Oh, and a woman I know is lately taking some very expensive medicine that has helped her curing her sweats at night. Turns out the only ingredient is rhubarb roots, but the medication is stated for women only, O.o so I am hesitant to try. (Im a man)

I will try to put time into research and report if I found something that worked for me.

Until then, please let me know if you have some ideas or advice. Because I trust you guys more than any sales website on the internet ;)

Thanks alot!


I write advice not to convert you to my "truth" but for you in hope that something resonates and you are able to further develop your own "truth"

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