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what do you mean by enlightenment exactly ?

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3 hours ago, confused said:

1) does the mind/body exists?

2) does the mind gets enlightened?

3) what is Consciousness?

4) is the mind conscious and what do we mean by "the human mind Is conscious in general "?


Realizing that your birth, entire duality is just a thought in nothingness, which is you and absolute (you). 

Imagine big bang, every particle created by nothing. Therefore nothing is everything, therefore everything is identical, because it is nothing.

Additionally, big bang happened because of thoughts, learning and knowing. If you dont know nothing never happens. If you never learn, you never born. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@confused it's it's about totally and completely accepting your divine nature. It's about knowing you are the divine manifest within the creation. It's about embracing your human nature completely while knowing the heart is divine. It's about living and playing your role as a human being fully. It's about a finger knowing and being a finger and doing what a finger does. A hand knowing and being a hand and doing what a hand does. And you knowing yourself as and fully being a God and doing what a God does.

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@confused “what do you mean by enlightenment exactly ?”

Meaning is relative. It seems the ‘exactly’ part is trying to remove the relativity of meaning in search of an objective, definitive target. There can be practical value in that, yet it is limited. If I said there were an infinite number of enlightenment forms, it wouldn’t be satisfying to a mind in search one exact form of enlightenment it can attain and hold. 


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1 hour ago, confused said:

@VincentArogya my ego got kicked in his face hearing these new concepts I'm kinda lost, btw what are your motivation living a normal life why not dedicating your full time and energy in spirituality, like becoming a monk or a yogi,

How is the life of a normal person different from that of a monk or yogi? 

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@confused It doesn't have to because it doesn't have a conceptualization/awareness in the first place. 'You' can realize you're the rock though, it's basically the same thing. It's like.. the fundamental nature is always present, just remove the filter. 

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The collapsing of the illusion of self...

So Enlightenment is a non happening...


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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