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what do you mean by enlightenment exactly ?

26 posts in this topic

1) does the mind/body exists?

2) does the mind gets enlightened?

3) what is Consciousness?

4) is the mind conscious and what do we mean by "the human mind Is conscious in general "?


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So far it seems that Enlightement is When God remembers itself and stop identifying obsessively with one of his creations (a human body).

In a profound level of those questions then have not much sense but I would reply:

1- Yes. But the meaning of "existence" gets re-contextualized as imagination

2- No. God remembers itself. However it seems imaginary brain chemistry plays a role in how awake God gets in his own dream

3- Reality/You

4- No. The mind doesn't have Consciousness

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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5 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Yes. But the meaning of "existence" gets re-contextualized as imagination

do you mean exists but not real?


5 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

However it seems imaginary brain chemistry plays a role in how awake God gets in his own dream

so we need a brain to get enlightened, a healthy functioning brain? if not can a rock gets enlightened


6 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

4- No. The mind doesn't have Consciousness

what's the relation between the brain and enlightenment, how exactly with a physical brain enlightenment happens

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1 hour ago, confused said:

1) does the mind/body exists?

2) does the mind gets enlightened?

3) what is Consciousness?

4) is the mind conscious and what do we mean by "the human mind Is conscious in general "?


Enlightenment is experiencing life directly without any preconceived assumptions, names or stories.  

Answers to your questions:

1. It does and it doesn't. 

2. The mind steps aside after enlightenment and can be used when necessary.

3. Consciousness is the nature of everything that exists. Consciousness is everything. It's intelligence, it's also stupidity or dumbness. The body and mind that you were referring to is consciousness. Trees and animals are consciousness. Your perception of things around you is also consciousness.

4. The mind is not conscious. The mind is inside consciousness. What science refers to consciousness is the ability the to remain awake and aware of the environment. In metaphysics, consciousness is regarded as the stage on which life happens. And, spiritual work involves becoming aware of the immensity of this stage so that life can be experienced richly.


PS: This is just the tip of the tip of the iceberg. There's more to consciousness, enlightenment, and spiritual work.

Edited by VincentArogya

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Enlightenment = the permanent destruction of the illusory sense of personal doership.

That’s it.

One could say there’s much more to this work than enlightenment though.

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2 minutes ago, The0Self said:

Enlightenment = the permanent destruction of the illusory sense of personal doership.

That’s it.

One could say there’s much more to this work than enlightenment though.

Short, simple and straight to the point. 

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10 minutes ago, Johnny5 said:

What rock...?  ?‍♂️ 

for example, can a piece of marble become aware of its nature?

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Just now, confused said:

for example, can a piece of marble become aware of its nature?

It isn’t about becoming aware of any nature, it’s about dropping a false idea.

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@The0Self  does the physical word exists within consciousness, which means that everything is made of consciousness, which means that the only thing that exists is consciousness? 

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8 minutes ago, confused said:

for example, can a piece of marble become aware of its nature?

What I mean is, maybe your true nature has nothing to do with any rocks :) 

We start off from the reality as it seems to exist, but that is exactly what needs to be questioned.

So before you start wondering about rocks, maybe first start wondering about reality? How do you even know that rocks are real?

Someone puts it like this: Don't answer your questions, but question your answers...

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5 minutes ago, confused said:

@The0Self  does the physical word exists within consciousness, which means that everything is made of consciousness, which means that the only thing that exists is consciousness? 

Physical world is consciousness. And consciousness is made out nothing. So, what exists is nothing. When I say nothing, I don't mean the dictionary meaning of nothing. Nothing means that you cannot give it a name or characteristic. It is beyond words and all values. So, consciousness is not one definitive thing. It has infinite definitions and infinite manifestations.

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Also, don't get lost in words. Sit down and find out for yourself. Words can never give you a full understanding of consciousness or enlightenment. It's a personal discovery.

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@VincentArogya my ego got kicked in his face hearing these new concepts I'm kinda lost, btw what are your motivation living a normal life why not dedicating your full time and energy in spirituality, like becoming a monk or a yogi,

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9 minutes ago, confused said:

why not dedicating your full time and energy in spirituality, like becoming a monk or a yogi,

Who says that's what they are doing...

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@confused You tell me...? :) 

(I'm not joking.... take an honest look at it and see what they're really up to, you could learn a lot about human nature.)

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1 hour ago, confused said:

@The0Self  does the physical word exists within consciousness, which means that everything is made of consciousness, which means that the only thing that exists is consciousness? 

Consciousness is nothing. If it were something, it would be in consciousness, thus, from a certain perspective, not consciousness itself.

All this talk is just precipitating out of the solution of nonduality.

Edited by The0Self

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3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Enlightement is When God remembers itself and stop identifying obsessively with one of his creations (a human body).

Perfect definition

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