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Focusing On Consciousness Work While Taking The Life Purpose Course/searching For It

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I am taking the life purpose course now, but I have been focusing heavily on consciousness work for the last 3 months and making some startling breakthroughs. My question is, how well do these two things go together since both of them require a lot of focus and work. I concentrate on consciousness work for about 3 hours a day, but try to observe/ remain self aware throughout the day and also when I manage in my sleep. I think that they should go together well, since increased state of awarness provides the ability to make distinctions that would otherwise not be made and thus remained unaware of. That in turn is the basis in which I can see myself discovering my life purpose, although I cannot imagine what "I" will be like once I have transformed, which is one of my purpose of doing consciousness work along with enlightenment.

Maybe someone who has been in a similar situation can share their experience?

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I am currently in the same situation. At the moment I have a lot of free time and do mostly just meditation and programming (skill development for my life purpose). But this won't be possible anymore as soon as school begins again. The best thing for me would be to remain very aware and conscious throughout the whole day in school, so that this would substitute a big part of the meditation. But my experience shows me that it probably will not work out the way I want it to. 

My impact statement entails helping others to develop more consciousness. And my hypothesis is that with the time everybody, who is on a spiritual journey or who is already enlightened, will transform so that their life purpose is also centered about spreading more consciousness, whatever it will look like practically. And if you are 'lucky' you will have a life purpose like Leo where you do your life purpose work through doing the enlightenment work.

In the long run, everything will work out fine. If you stick to it, you will find a good balance between enlightenment/consciousness and life purpose work. Your subconscious mind will work it out for you. And some time enlightenment and life purpose will merge together. At least I hope so...

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@Taavi I think I am in a similar position. I think that being more conscious, the life purpose will come more and more from within. It will be more authentic. Read the book on the recommended book list "D....... Y... L... P......" by R... T.....  He explains your life purpose on a spiritual level. I found it very helpful.

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