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What are people doing?

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I’m contemplating something. As in what are other people up to? As in when they’re in my company, they are there visually to me, I can see them, I can speak to them, whatever ya know. But say for instance when they go home, they’re out of my sight out of my experience. Are they actually at home doing something? Or do they just disappear? And then the next time I see them and they tell me they’ve been up to this and that, or whatever, have they sort of been non existent type thing but then when they reappear into my experience I’ve somehow made up a story, that I’m not aware of doing m, that they have been upto these things, and it’s just like me, tricking myself bullshitting myself. Does anyone really have the answer to this or are yous just going to speculate like I am now? Would appreciate speculation anyway but if someone has hands down honest truth they know is truth that would be even more appreciated ?

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My only advice is don't go down that rabbit hole if you care about your mental health.  

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Good advice. Think that even the people and the reality that us perceived is an illusion, is existing as illusion , so the other people exist. Illusion or real are only concepts. The point is go beyond the concept, forget the need of understanding , the mind can't understand

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@Dazgwny solipsism is a common trap on a spiritual journey. Experience is not really yours, it's just an experience ;) 


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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But is solipsism the case? I mean... tbh I don’t know what I mean. I I’m beginning to feel that solipsism it it. Not like there is no one else. But at the same time there is no one else. I’ve confused myself somewhere down the line. One minute I think I have it, the next I don’t. Am so confused. Fuckin hell ey. Just need to hit this nail on the head. I’m not even bothered if that is the case. If it is it is. But my need for understanding is taking over me. I just want to know. One way or another. I feel I can accept any way reality is. But then I think I clearly can’t, otherwise I would get it. I’ll keep pressing anyway am nailing this shit eventually I’m going to get it. And I’m open to whatever that may be. Just don’t want to delude myself. If there’s a doubt I know I havnt got it. And there’s doubt. So I need to work more??. Thanks by the way for all replies

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They are never separate from you and never were. They are apparently more separate when they are in your presence because your senses and thoughts are perceiving them there, present and separate. You've never been alone and never will be alone. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Ha! For me is the same. Ok there is a self, there is no time, there is no thing, reality is an illusion and time too...I do psicodélics and I intuite , even I see, but my mind ask: why? Why??? A infinite self alone in the eternity of the no time? Why????? There are other "self's" in other dimensions? What the hell is that? I think the only way is surrender, but for the ego is difficult. The ego needs to know, develop, go, do


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@Dazgwny if I could ask the same question, and I have, what does that mean for your question?  I don't know where you are but I haven't disappeared. 


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Listen brother, I got your answer right here. @Dazgwny - please try to grasp this as best you can.

The perceptions you “have” are not perceptions. The shapes, colors, sounds, and sensations that compose your life are not happening in your brain but free-floating in nothingness. That is consciousness. 

Your field of consciousness is the raw, unfiltered fabric of the universe.

Everyone you “see” around you IS you, from that POV.

Makes sense?

Yes. It’s all “you” because you’re the entire field of consciousness but THEIR experience is just as real as yours.

In the “absolute” sense YES you are alone in the universe.


You get this?

It is actually HILARIOUS.

Everyone IS real, what you are seeing is pure, fucking magic. It is one consciousness split into a house of mirrors. Each mirror reflecting the other.


In other words, LIVE. 

Live, experience duality, enjoy it.

Life is incredible. A complete miracle.

Edited by justfortoday

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8 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Listen brother, I got your answer right here. @Dazgwny - please try to grasp this as best you can.

The perceptions you “have” are not perceptions. The shapes, colors, sounds, and sensations that compose your life are not happening in your brain but free-floating in nothingness. That is consciousness. 

Your field of consciousness is the raw, unfiltered fabric of the universe.

Everyone you “see” around you IS you, from that POV.

Makes sense?

Yes. It’s all “you” because you’re the entire field of consciousness but THEIR experience is just as real as yours.

In the “absolute” sense YES you are alone in the universe.


You get this?

Everyone IS real, what you are seeing is pure, fucking magic. It is one consciousness split into a house of mirrors. Each mirror reflecting the other.


In other words, LIVE. 

Live, experience duality, enjoy it.

Life is incredible. A complete miracle.

Yeah! .Really good perception. It is. You are alone, but same time all is real. Love , miracle

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3 hours ago, allislove said:

@Dazgwny solipsism is a common trap on a spiritual journey. Experience is not really yours, it's just an experience ;) 


The thing is if there is only One consciusness you should know, for example, what do I have in mi right hand and you don't know it.

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1 minute ago, RedLine said:

The thing is if there is only One consciusness you should know, for example, what do I have in mi right hand and you don't know it.

Your pondering here makes no sense. Please expand?

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3 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Your pondering here makes no sense. Please expand?

Somebody says: there is only One Consciusness that includes the Absolute and the Relative (includes everything)

I say: if that is true you should know the Relative experience I am having in the present (the object I am graving, in my example)

Edited by RedLine

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@RedLine in your nightly dreams, are you aware of every thing the dream characters are doing, are you aware of the story creation, and the boogy man about to jump out at you?  No, but when you wake up you don't deny it all happened as one consciousness. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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2 minutes ago, RedLine said:

Somebody says: there is only One Consciusness that includes the Absolute and the Relative (includes everything)

I say: if that is true you should know the Relative experience I am having in the present (the object I am graving, in my example)

You still do not comprehend the magnitude of reality.

It is absolutely infinite.

Its a dream, couched within a dream, couched within a dream, couched within a dream, FOREVER.

There is no relative or absolute nothing. It’s all appearance, happening in absolutely nothing. 

Imagine a spiral, made up of dreams.

Who is dreaming all these dreams?

You get it now?

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5 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

You still do not comprehend the magnitude of reality.

It is absolutely infinite.

Its a dream, couched within a dream, couched within a dream, couched within a dream, FOREVER.

There is no relative or absolute nothing. It’s all appearance, happening in absolutely nothing. 

Imagine a spiral, made up of dreams.

Who is dreaming all these dreams?

You get it now?

What you say is not related with what we are discussing.

What we are discussing here is the oness quality of consciusness. In other words, the famous "everything is me"


How can you know everything is One if I am experience something you don't know at all what it is?

Yes, the accusations of solipsism make sense, Ruper Spira doesn't deal with this problem.

Edited by RedLine

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Just now, RedLine said:

What you say is not related with what we are discussing.

What we are discussing here is the oness quality of consciusness. In other words, the famous "everything is me"


How can you know everything is One if I am experience something you don't know at all what is?

Yes, the accusations of solipsism make sense, Ruper Spira doesn't deal with this problem.

Rupert Spira seems like a good man, but his explanations of non-duality are incredibly watered down.

Omniscience is not about knowing everything at once, but about realizing that your dad is your thought. And his thoughts are your thoughts having thoughts about their thoughts, and so on.

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7 minutes ago, justfortoday said:


Omniscience is not about knowing everything at once, but about realizing that your dad is your thought. And his thoughts are your thoughts having thoughts about their thoughts, and so on.

Yes, your dad is just a thought, it is not actually your dad. But there is also a thought in your dad's head about your dad that you are completely unaware of.

So how can you say everything is you if you are completely unaware of your dad's subjectivity? and your dad's subjectivity is something, so you are not that part of reality, so you are not everything.

Edited by RedLine

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3 minutes ago, RedLine said:

Yes, your dad is just a thought, it is not actually your dad. But there is also a thought in your dad's head about your dad that you are completely unaware of.

So how can you say everything is you if you are completely unaware of your dad's subjectivity? and your dad's subjectivity is something, so you are not that part of reality, so you are not everything.

You aren’t everything.

Everything is you.

You got your metaphysics flipped.

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6 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

You aren’t everything.

Everything is you.

You got your metaphysics flipped.



It is the same my friend..


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