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Why is orange so materialistic?

14 posts in this topic

Why are they against learning with drugs? Why are they against religion? Why are they against God? Why do they view themselves like smart than everyone else? 

Some questions within the question above. 

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I can sort of answer the middle 2 questions from personal experience. I'll try answering my best about the other 2. I said sort of. I used to be an anti-theist because I had a massive problem with some morals about Christianity. I also used to be a Christian. Persecution of witches, homophobia, Paul being alright with slavery, and Paul saying stuff about women being obedient to men. There were other things I hated. I don't remember the exact specifics. I remember trying to look for things that were evil about the Bible and started having a more negative view towards it. I started watching Atheist Youtubers like The Amazing Atheist, DarkMatter2525, Thunderf00t, and Armored Skeptic.

I started having negative views on Islam and Judaism as well. Oddly, I wasn't hateful towards the eastern religions. Back to Judaism specifically, I remember moments where I was anti-semitic and was looking positively towards Nazis a little. Being queer and learning that I am part Jewish ethnically later on in life, I realized I was being a fool. These 2 paragraphs are why I was against religion.

Why an anti-theist is against God so much is because of the associations with God that they've saw from religious people. Rigidness, judgemental, dogmatic, etc. Another reason is their reasoning for bad things happening to innocent people from their perspective. That last sentence is making me think of the professor from God's Not Dead. Weird thing is I loved that movie so much as a Christian, then hated it as an anti-theist. Now it's just fun to analyze. In some sense, there are actually people like that professor even though I think God's Not Dead is probably propaganda.

I think many anti-theists have come from families or areas where people are more conservative. They start to have a negative downward spiral like I did when they learn about the limits of stage blue religion assuming this is unhealthy orange. This is both God and religion they have a negative feeling of. Reasons for hating God and religion can overlap.

The arrogance thing could be a defense mechanism and hatred. They really want to dunk on religion because of emotional pain and they feel like it causes many of the world's problems. That's at least what I think was going on with me.

I think the against learning with drugs thing is that it's unfathomable to think about the non physical being real when they haven't explored or experienced that possibility. Also drugs have had a bad reputation of destroying people's lives even psychedelics. The hatred of God and religion are probably reasons too depending on the person. I think hippies are another reason why drugs have a bad reputation. I don't only mean the stereotypical looking ones either. They did too, but I'm also talking about today. They look at  JP Sears, and Ralph Smart being anti-vax and making a big deal of David Icke being banned which are 2 opinions that make you look nuts to the general public. They might associate new age people as conspiracy lunatics therefore associating psychedelic spirituality as delusional.

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On 11/09/2020 at 5:10 PM, Thewritersunion said:

Why are they against learning with drugs?

What? Do you mean like Ritalin or something like it? Stage orange people are exactly the ones who would totally use drugs to maximize learning (or Yellow but i guess yellow would look for more sustainable alternatives).

On 11/09/2020 at 5:10 PM, Thewritersunion said:

Why do they view themselves like smart than everyone else? 

Because they think everyone is Stage orange or bellow, so they are on the top. They also can see how simplistic, biased and delusional stages bellow can be and this can give them the appearance that their view is super intelligent. 

Edited by Recursoinominado

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50 minutes ago, Thewritersunion said:

@Recursoinominado I mean PSYDELLIA. That branch of drugs. 

Well, to a materialist, psychedelics cause only meaningless hallucinations and the ones that use them are deceiving themselves.

Also, the psychedelic experience is a threat to a materialistic world view, in fact, it was psychedelics that got me out of stage orange, i was an atheist, although pretty open-minded, so i experimented with psychedelics and went to ayahuasca sessions in heavily religious settings. 

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On 9/11/2020 at 1:32 PM, SirVladimir said:

There is a whole chapter about Orange and its phases in the book Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change from Cowan & Beck.

@SirVladimir How much would you recommend the book, as opposed to only learning from videos n stuff?  How much more depth did you get from reading the book?  Is there that much more knowledge and understanding to be gained there?  


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 i just read the downloaded pdf of the book :D, it is good , new informations is always good to fill in the gaps , learning from videos and stuffs are limited although you got the point of it. People should read the books, there is only limited informations / knowledge from youtube and websites 

Edited by magickmystik

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Like @SirVladimir said, it's a direct response to stage blue. And stage blue can be retarded

Take a look at fundamentalist islam in the middle east, or medieval Christianity, if you want to understand what stage orange is reacting against. 


Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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On 11/09/2020 at 9:32 PM, SirVladimir said:

Orange arose as a response for Blue; to tackle new life circumstances. There is a whole chapter about Orange and its phases in the book Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change from Cowan & Beck

I read this book but to be frank I found it unnecessarily complicated and quite hard to read. Maybe that just tells about my level of ego development. But there are definitely better online sources than the book itself. 

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On 9/14/2020 at 4:55 PM, neutralempty said:

@louhad does Green and Yellow and Turquoise, they actually answer more limitations of Blue than Orange.


Imma have to disagree with you. The only reason any of the stages even exist is due to survival. When stage blue gets out of hand, it is necessary for a society to evolve into orange values. 

You can't try to introduce green values to like Russia or Iran for example... They need to grow through orange first. 

Green perfectly answers the limitations of orange. Yellow and Turquoise could help keep the system healthy and facilitate evolution from blue to orange to green, etc... 


Edited by louhad

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On 9/14/2020 at 11:01 PM, Matt23 said:

@SirVladimir How much would you recommend the book, as opposed to only learning from videos n stuff?  How much more depth did you get from reading the book?  Is there that much more knowledge and understanding to be gained there?  

It definitely has a business, 'managing-people' undertone. I'd say you can have a good understanding of Spiral Dynamics without it. The book just goes into dividing each stage into more sub-phases. If I were you, I'd read the Cook Greuter's paper instead to complement your knowledge of SD. 

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because orange = materialistic by definition. haha just joking.

Read the books on spiral dynamics and you will know? I cannot comment because I didn't read.

Edited by hyruga

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