Someone here

Going insane!

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@Someone here This stuff is not really like there is no self ? thing at all. Maybe I am just pointing to lets say highest state of Consciousness you can be. 

Don't dismiss. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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  On 9/13/2020 at 1:08 PM, Someone here said:

When there is no longer a you to experience a you.. All that is left is you and not you! 

Exactly,  when is just a raw being there is  no one there to register the experience. When registering happens, “You”become the observer again. 

Still can’t fathom nothingness and everything as being a paradox and is all One!

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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dude stop this child-like clowning tone and come off your high horse lol .. I said this is not the only thing you can become conscious of.. You can be conscious of this unconditional love thing.. That doesn't contradict what I'm saying here

Its also important to be clear there is no seperate self.. A you that is seperate from the whole.. A thinker that is seperate from thoughts.. A doer That is seperate from deeds.. That thing the ego is illusory.   Then we can talk about the true Self which you can think of it as all of reality.  There is no contradiction. 

Everything is you= there is no you. 

@Galyna kinda insane isn't it? ;)

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@Galyna lol I like it! 

  On 9/13/2020 at 1:30 PM, arlin said:

So did you meditate?

Yeah bro I meditate daily. It's the one most life-transforming habit you can add to your life.   To take a break from the illusions that you are running around all day and have some time to just exist! 

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  On 9/13/2020 at 1:24 PM, Someone here said:

kinda insane isn't it? ;)

Nah...theoretical knowledge prepared a good foundation for us to not be scary. We are ready for this and it was expected. But at the same time, feels a bit like denial or resilience. 
this stage shall pass, moving toward God like a rolling snow ball or avalanche. 
The funny is that I got used to being aware but had gaps in my day when I was loosing the observer and was falling asleep. 
now i will have gaps when I am the observer and nothingness. Lol. It makes sense to me. No mind , no thoughts, just pure being. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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