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Struppeh-Record keeping of a spiritual life

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This journal will be used for recording all practices that I'll be doing  for developing my spiritual life. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Today I did 45 minutes of meditation in the morning. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I'm against materialism 








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The difference between Truth and Ego. 


In my journey of a spiritual life, I get many insights continuously about life and the universe. 

One insight that recently popped in my mind is about the difference between ego and truth.. 

Ego is the need for glorification. 

Ego is about maintaining a status quo. It's about pride. Pride is one of the greatest and the first sin in the Bible. 

Ego is about gratification of egoic desires. 

Ego is about dominance, domination and slavery, suppression and oppression. 

Ego manipulates and coerces and conspires to achieve its goals and denies real wisdom and truth. 

I do not like Ego. 

I always stand with the truth. 

So there are basically two paths in front of a spiritual crusader 

Ego or Truth 

I chose truth. 

The world hates a truth seeker and a truth speaker. They demonize the character of the one who speaks wisdom because wisdom and truth do not serve the agenda of the Ego. 

So Ego comes crashing down on truth and the truth speaker and tries to suppress the speaker through character assassination 






Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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To start a spiritual life, you always need a base 



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20 hours ago, Preety_India said:


Let's hold a moment of silence to honor the victims of one of the worst tragedies in human history, those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.




A remembrance prayer for the precious lives lost and their family members that continue to heal. 


On the anniversary of September 11, 2001, we once again call on your spirit that is within us to help us deepen our response to our commitment to non-violence.  We are so aware of the fear and violence that continues to permeate our world since 9/11.  As we pray in remembrance of that tragic day, help us also to be people of hope who embrace a belief that a new vision is possible.  Empower us to shape a world marked by ways of life that lead to justice and peace. Fashion in us a people who are more ready to grow in understanding than eager to judge those who are different from us. Form us, a people determined to heal wounds rather than inflict them. Give us today the strength and courage to transform the compassion of our hearts into acts of peace, mercy and justice. 






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I was missing out on some insights. I have no idea. It's a blur.  Maybe I should have noted down when it popped up in my head. 

Now it's nagging me. 

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So this thought was about fighting a person or a system. This is about a person close to me that I don't wish to judge. 

So fighting that person is more like fighting a system.. 

Don't think. Don't think. 

Remember Preety this is your fight, the fight of your life. You gotta be strong. You are not fighting a person but a system.. You are fighting a system.. Just remember that. Persons are just a part of that system. 

You are fighting a system created by evil. 

Don't back down.. Fight harder. Be strong Preety  



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It seems like my anxiety is sort of steering my memory in some ways. I'm remembering things that I thought about like 2 days ago. This is shocking because I was never able to do this before. 

I think I'm being very emotionally strung these days and it's putting some pressure on my memory to keep remembering things. 

Anxious memory. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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New Agey Spiritual Ego


These days I'm very much disappointed in the forum. 

It has hurt me in many ways. 

There is a certain degree of self-righteousness on this forum that has been bugging me since the last few days 

I will call it the "New Agey Spiritual Ego".... People don't see through it but I see through it because I'm a truth seeker. I speak my mind.. 

New Agey spiritual Ego is a new form of deception. A new farce. 

These people are not simple people. They are all about the ego. Proving how they have the solutions to everything in the world and at the same time characteristically absent in empathy and action 


Just using word salad to sound nice. 

Notice how they never sound remotely triggering. 

It's floo-flam and they use divergent tactics. 

If they are faced with concrete truths and confronted about real things, they will simply avoid taking a stand and keep ruminating some psychological babble to sound perfect. Like angels with answers 

They don't want to sound political or they don't speak heroically, just weak placid bullshit and the beating around the bush with vague platitudes and eccentric theories that don't seem practical at all. 

A simple example can be something like rape. 

If I tell a spiritual guru about rape, the most likely answer from such spiritually gifted people would be some word salad like 

-it is love, everything is love, everything is oneness, it's happening for a reason, you need compassion 

Yaada yaada 

Such lameness is driving me mad. 

These are spineless people. 

They are not about turning the other cheek. 

They are about "doing nothing at all but sounding good" 


This is a new agey spiritual Ego. Looks prim and proper when you read such word salad 

But I'm not stupid to fall for such shit. I see through things very quickly and I stand my ground. 

I believe in action and real compassion. Not showing that I'm a " better than you" person. This is egoic bullshit. 

I'm just a simple humble human being who speaks her mind. I have a clean conscience. I am not a Saint nor do I wish to be. I'm just frank and open. So if I see bullshit I call it out. 

I don't like to put on a farce. 

The furthest that you can move away from spirituality is by being disingenuous and inauthentic 

Whether you are a good person or a bad person, being honest about how you look at things will save you from fakery and platitudes and virtue signaling. 




Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I need to focus more on practice and do theory only once in a while. 

So this will be divided into two components -  Theory and practice. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Spirituality in theory and practice. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Last night I woke up from a dream. 

And there was like a movie scene.. 

In this scene the guy is injured and he sitting with a friend. 

A woman who looks pretty walks up to them and introduces herself as miss Mary. 

Now the guy keeps looking at her and finds her strange. As if he has seen her before. then she walks away. 

After a few minutes a woman walks in with a mask made of jeans. The friend introduces her as miss Masia the general Army doctor. 

The guy tells her to take off the mask because he gets suspicious. She looks a lot like miss Mary.. 

Masia politely tells him that she can't take it off and prescribes an injection and a first aid kit for him. 

She then walks away. 

End of the dream. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Fascists have always been fond of projection.

In short, fascism is gangsterism and is anti democratic, unethical and unconstitutional. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Conservatism, Religion, racism, feudalism, orthodoxy, ethnocentrism, ethnonationalism, white supremacy, ethnic supremacy, capitalism, cop supremacy, anti-immigration, moral and cultural relativism, mafia, gangsterism, cult, money, drug cartels, oppression, violence, religious conversion, patriarchy, leftism, religious supremacy, monopolization of law, government and media, identity politics, oppressive regimes, corruption..... 


Rebellion and revolution 


One world one order. 





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INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Progressivism, democracy, constitution, gender Equality, ethnic equality, feminism, separation of religion and state, liberalism, anti-fascism,anti-capitalism, anti - agenda. 

Mpm - misinformation propaganda machine. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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When you are hated and abused by your own family and demonized to the end of the world, you reach a breaking point where you can't take it anymore and simply give up. 

You become shameless. The accusations and Demonization don't hurt you anymore. It's the way of the body to shut down completely as a defense mechanism. 

You no longer care about life or the world or their judgement because you know they are doing a witch hunt. In that moment you are free from your karma and in that moment they are the ones raking up karma and not you with their moralistic garbage and character assassination. 

How much will they suck your blood, in the end the evil that your body produced, the vitriol that it produced will win or your body will shut down as a final   "F You" ..... As a final Rebellion. 

Your body will want freedom from this life and you will realize that people just like to continue the drama and crucify you just for the sake of moral Superiority and bashing. And they are the ones more invested in continuing the drama just to see your burn,not realizing that they are building the karma, because blessed are the ones who are poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. If not on earth you will get justice in heaven, that's how the forces of paradox work. 

You won't care about the people who come after you with moralistic bullying because you have been set free from judgment. 

Because nothing matters as long as you don't receive love and as long as people don't understand you, because deep down you know the truth of your reality, and they don't care to know it, then you don't effing owe them an explanation. 

No amount of self defense will change someone's judgment.. 

But you are the sacrificial lamb and take great pride that yours will be the free land because you did not judge. 

Do not judge, or you will be judged

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

Matthew 7. 

They judged you without understanding you and so they commit sin. 

How long will they feed on your tears. One day they will run dry. 

How long will they suck your blood... One day you will be dead and gone. And they will be left with nothing to abuse. 

As you sow so shall you reap. 

An injured bird will be glorified in heaven. That soul will finally be set free from the judgment of the earth 

Be strong in your victim hood 


In weakness lies your strength 


Sometimes evil helps you. It makes you stronger to fight back against forces of destruction. 


For example, you see an abused elephant running into the streets attacking people. You might want to label this behavior as agressive and evil. But the same people who judge this do not have the nerve to question why such a behavior happens. It's because of constant abuse that such a behavior is manifested. It is a force and a reaction to malevolence. 

This protective evil is necessary against malevolence. Of course it does not succeed because malic succeeds in the end. 

Satan was called a fallen angel who rebelled against God. 

The keyword here is rebel. You rebel against the forces of malice and malevolence. 

It's one thing to preach and sanitize and restore 

It's another thing to monsterize and demonize instead of showing understanding. Letting the person be punished and die and rot is a sign of persecution and greatest evil. 

The greatest evils are malice, malevolence, gossip, slander, demonization, judgment and persecution.

Evil gives an outlet to rebel against such evils. It's called protective evil or Rebellious evil. 

It gives the freedom to chuckle with Arrogance in the face of intense demonization, a form of courage and freedom from fear. It sets you free from feeling judged.. 

It is the "I don't give a F" attitude that really sets you free. 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I have written before why people get attracted to the idea of satanism and I continue to explore good and evil in different ways. 

To me good and evil are two sides of the same coin. 

Evil can either be an action or a product of circumstances. 

Some people do evil because they have been abused in life. 

I think that good, evil, demonic forces, dark entities, are different things 


Demonic forces are those that impede the good in your life. 

Dark entities are those that are the inner demons that torment you for example addiction. 

Good is a quality of the conscience. 


Evil can be anything. It can be done to harm others or in self defense. 

For example the act of killing can be good or bad. 

You can kill someone to hurt them or to defend yourself from their attack. 

I have always tried to think about how evil can be useful. 

I think evil is a force. 

It can be used both proactively or maliciously 

When used maliciously it can cause needless harm. 

But when used proactively it can inspire us to not be a sheep but rise to action. 


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INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I think evil is a force. 

It can be used both proactively or maliciously 

When used maliciously it can cause needless harm. 

But when used proactively it can inspire us to not be a sheep but rise to action. 

How can we use evil to our advantage? 

Let's say for example greed. 

Now greed is bad. Is greed necessary? 

Maybe sometimes greed is necessary to make a living. 

This is a useful evil. Depending on the nature of the circumstances, it might be necessary to be evil to get an objective. 

Although it is against natural conscience, it is necessary for the body to survive. 


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In such a case, Evil is a savior. Because it puts the brain on a survival mode. 

Even when you are a very selfless person, it makes you think in selfish ways to ensure your survival in difficult conditions. 


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