
Psychedelic and their effects on energy system.

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I have done 4 trip with LSD,and they've all been really profound.

I was reading this book by Christopher Bache called "LSD and the Mind of the Universe",wherein,he says he stopped taking LSD because of ‘a chronic pain in my subtle energy system’.

Although that was after 73 high dose sessions.

But still,it kind of makes me think that if one is doing extensive consciousness work with psychedelics,they better have some grounding methods or balancing practices to ground themselves constantly,like hatha yoga etc.

Because most people who are on this path are not energetically sensitive enough to know whats really happening to their energy body.


What do you guys think about this?

If we want to become fully realized,we don't want to be walking with a "chronic pain in your energy system".


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Agree 100%. The more Ive tripped, the more sensitive Ive become to a quality of experience I can only refer to as “the energy body.” It feels like an aura or something... Ive had this intuitive pull to slow down with the tripping and focus more on integration and grounding using manual practices such as hatha yoga, a little qi gong, spending time in nature, and of course normal meditation. This slowing down and larger focus on manual practices has seemed to smooth out and settle my energy body. At the very least Ive felt more grounded and embodied in the body, as well as feeling more in touch and integrated with my rather aggressive tripping when I first started using psychs.

While I believe no other technique beats psychedelics in its ability to facilitate insight, they also must be used carefully and responsibly to get the most out of them. 

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So far so good 

The only thing Psychedelics have actually done to my body on a cronic basis is to relax it .

But hey , I haven't trip that much. 

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