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☆from being SAD to being GOD☆ (my personal story;)

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As I woke up from this dream I began to realise that I aka GOD himself, created all of it.:D All the galaxies, universes, planets, earth, humans, emotions, bodys, etc... Well this sounds like one EPIC fucking awekening where I need to fought a dragon and punch Thanos in the face or something to get there XD. Well, well, well... NO! I just woke up as GOD from this sad nightmare I created (it was a very, very, very sad dream, where the "I" was constantly creating circumstances which confirmed that "I" was a sad pussy who did not deserve LOVE from anybody... even from my parents:( I could cry now...) but it was alllll just a dream, all the pain and sadness was just ILLUSION! This exactly happened after ayahuasca got me into one strange loop of toughts. "I" tought I was going crazy... as this was happening a shaman and a witch were taking care of me. Without them I wouldnt be here anymore... Anyways after my mind was mindfucking itself for 3 hours I guess... slowly it kinda stopped mindfucking itself and then BOOOOOOOOM!!!$@^@%@ TAAADAAAAAAA! I woke up... NO-MIND... just me... nothing else. I looked at the witch and couldnt fucking believe what the fuck was happening all my life... I asked her: "What the fuck was that?!"... she replied: "Just an ayahuasca-trip XD"... when she said that I couldnt stop laughing histerically like a maniac for eternity... GOD laughing because of GOD about GOD like this: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...

Well two weeks passed now since this experience and I am kinda on a brigde to awakening, on a brigde from falsehood to Truth, on a brigde from "hell" to heaven on earth...

Yeah, cool stuff, right? ;) So that was my story, now please have a beautiful day you sexy soul:x

Adios, peace out!!!

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Yes, life is just a trip, enjoy ?‍♀️

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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