
A channelled healig to restore the broken relationship with our inner child

19 posts in this topic

Hi Everyone!

There is a very much a tendency to be very mind focused and not give enough attention to our emotions and our inner child. For those who are interested in shifting this polarity, I've channeled the following mantra. It is filled with a very potent healing energy, where through reading the words you experience quantum healing, and receive a direct experience of having your relationship with your inner child rewired in your subconscious mind.


I recommend reading it out loud as it helps to rewire the nervous system in a more powerful and immediate way!
Here you are! Enjoy





''In order to allow the highest consciousness of my soul's potential
to enter my experience and be fully embodied,
it is pivotal to establish a relationship with my inner child.
While my spiritual journey is bound to bring many insights,
awakenings, realizations and moments of great wisdom,
I acknowledge that my wisdom is never too wise
for the sacred role my inner child plays in my reality
As the gatekeeper of my highest potential.

In knowing it is so, I allow all disassociations, distractions and barriers
to loving, listening to and embracing my inner child, to be cleared out of
my field completely, and healed to resolution.

From this moment on, I proclaim the relationship with my inner child,
to be the holiest and most sacred experience of my spiritual journey.
And as a way of deepening and fully establishing this eternal cosmic bond,
between my mind’s wisdom and my inner child's innocence,
I am sending my inner child this message…

… My dearest inner child.
Please forgive me for neglecting, abandoning, dismissing and betraying your pure nature.
While I have been conditioned by my environment to look outside of me for love, validation and approval,
I now recognize that my outward orientation needs to be turned inward towards you, the holy gatekeeper of my highest consciousness.

I know you have experienced hell…
And in this hell you have known what it is like to be betrayed, abandoned, starved and abused…
But I am letting you know, that such things will no longer be what I will ever
ask of you to experience in the relationship with me.

I will be the one who commits to loving, holding, embracing and adoring you every step of the way,
allowing you to feel safe. This is simply because the safer you feel, the more relaxed my body will be,
and the more relaxed I am, the more of my consciousness is allowed to drop into my experience.

The safer my inner child is, the more abundantly my life flows, and the more loved it feels,
the easier it is for me to integrate realizations of existential nature,
for it is my inner child that holds the keys to embodying my highest potential,
no matter how illusory I’ve thought it to be.

Dear inner child,

I see you,
I love you,
And I am here with you…

I am here with you, because I love you,
And in being with you, I finally see you fully.

May we work together as one, and never be in conflict ever again.

I am safe,
I am held,
and in this newfound safety,
may I be guided by the universe,
towards my long awaited destiny.''




Let me know how you felt when you were reading this! I look forward to connecting with you! :)



inner child.jpg

Edited by Martin123

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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3 hours ago, DreamScape said:

I feel amazing ????????

Glad you enjoyed it and were able to take it in! :) 

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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I feel a release of tension and emotions in my heart. This was powerful, thank you ??

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34 minutes ago, Consilience said:

I feel a release of tension and emotions in my heart. This was powerful, thank you ??

Thank you for receiving it, and allowing me to be of benefit in your journey! It is a great pleasure and honor to know that what I've channeled has impacted you in such a way! :) <3 

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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Ya, this is a true channel.  Its got love in it.  Even though I have no idea what my inner child is or what an inner child is period, its got a familiar deep source love connection.  Its a mystery really how this universe works and that channel or stuff like this can magically do something.

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@Mu_ thank you for the comment Mu!

Yes love is there and speaks the words. Channelling is what happened when the love that was doing the listening suddenly became the same space that started speaking.


The inner child within us is the playful and creative representation of the emotional Needs we may or may not be expressing and acknowledging to ourselves. 
ultimately if we are seeking self-realisation and enlightenment, the type of relationship we have with that existential realisation is largely determined by the relationship we have with our inner child.

Once our relationship with our realisation is mature, it is because the inner child within us has been acknowledged as a vital part of the process, which allows us to dissolve patterns of holding on or seeking externally, and we will not only be beings who know themselves as god, but be god that is excited and willing to be a human being expressing its highest potential in a body of form.


all the best !!! :) 


Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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22 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

I didnt feel anything, you're gonna have to up my dose. 

I appreciate the feedback!

The reasons why you haven’t felt anything are two fold.


firstly it simply means you haven’t built up the necessary sensitivity to welcome the more subtle energies you’re always surrounded by and are entering your energy field.


Secondly may I bring your attention to the phrase ‘up my dose’, which is suggesting a subconscious addictive patterning.


The reason why you haven’t felt anything is because the ‘nothing you’ve felt’ is actually the compulsive need for something more to be felt and experienced being dissolved.


The healing energy entering your nervous system will primarily focus on dissolving addictive patenting and the constant need for stimulation, and therefore the lack of stimulation is exactly what’s needed in order for you to evolve out of the need for more, and into the satisfied and relaxed radiance of your consciousness.


the part of you that ‘wants more’ will always want more, until it exhausts it’s momentum and releases its grip through moments of surrender.


much love and support to you .

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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Thanks for the post and for sharing!

I did similar inner child work years ago that was very helpful to awakening to my deeper seeded beliefs, patterns, feelings and emotions.  It was a stepping stone, amongst many, to help me awaken to the idea that we “create our own Reality”, and that this current reality that we share is an independent reality within a collective reality that we co-create together with our thoughts, ideas, imagination, beliefs, feelings and emotions.  Having said that, once I started to become aware of these deep seeded beliefs, patterns, feelings and emotions, “I” started to become more conscious of a much deeper awareness.  

On 9/9/2020 at 8:37 PM, Martin123 said:

Dear inner child,

I see you,
I love you,
And I am here with you…

I am here with you, because I love you,
And in being with you, I finally see you fully.

I started questioning; Who and what is an “inner child”? where did I get these thoughts, ideas and beliefs of an inner child?

I see you,

Who is seeing who?  Where did I get the thoughts, ideas and belief that there is someone see someone?

I love you,

Who is loving who? Where does this love come from? what is love on a human level? Nonduality level? Etc.

And I am here with you…

Who is the “I” that is here with you?  Who is the you?

I am here with you, because I love you,

I am here, where is here? Who are you?  Why is there a “because”?

And in being with you, I finally see you fully.

Are you being with you in form, formlessness, duality, nonduality, spirit, consciousness, awareness etc?  What is being?  What is “With”?

I finally see you fully. What is finally? Why only now? What is fully?


Just sharing a few thoughts!

There are no right or wrong answers. You can only find them within!  Truth is always expanding!  Awareness is limitless and always expanding!  God’s consciousness is always expanding!  There is no end!  Enjoy your current limited, but expanding conscious journey!

Edited by DLH

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@DLH Thanks for bringing this up. Very glad I can address this.


I am a fan of self-realisation just as much as the next guy. However I’ve always been lucky during my journey never to focus on it too much, and never to make a big deal out of it.  Therefore when it came to me and became Permanently anchored in my reality, it was almost irrelevant. I know myself as the consciousness that I am that we all are, and yet nothing within me, and not even the person that I am, was ever dismissed as an illusion, because to say that is to ultimately disrespect yourself and your own self-worth (not to be confused with arrogant egoic patterning).


The need and drive for self-realisation often becomes a way of escaping from ones personal journey of transformation. Simply because, the personal journey can be incredibly excruciating. Then claiming ‘there is no I’, is a form of self-rejection and becomes a mechanism through which We avoid taking personal responsibility and accountability for our own pain, and avoid our own emotional needs.


Then it can become even crazier, when the one who has dismissed their divine autonomous personality and sovereignty starts going around telling others how there is no ‘I’ within them, which is a form of gaslighting. Imagine telling to a loved one who is crying in pain that they don’t exist. It is a form of cruelty, and an extraordinarily manipulative thing to do.

The truth is that when we spend long periods of time in self-denial called ‘there is no I’, it will ultimately create a pressure within your body because you are consistently dismissing your own personal and emotional needs. If anything self realisation teaches us is how to be freely ourselves, and therefore have no barriers towards greater self-love, self-care, and to have the necessary resilience and self-responsibility to see our healing journeys through.


So back to what you stated about questioning your inner child. May I bring to your attention that doing so is actually a way of avoiding your own needs. It ties nicely to what I said to Mu in an earlier comment, and that is that until we make our inner child a pivotal part of our experience, your self-realisation will be unintegrated, and it will be you trying to be ‘the consciousness of all’ ,at the expense of being your own person, instead of being the enlightened awakened consciousness on an ever expanding journey of healing and transformation embodying its light into physical form through the joy and privellege of being a person. 

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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It was nice to read this out loud I think I will be coming back to this thanks.

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@wavydude I’m glad it’s helping you guys out.


i might be posting more in the future on different issues and sticking points just to support everyone energetically and spread the light! :) 

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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On 10/09/2020 at 1:37 AM, Martin123 said:

Hi Everyone!

There is a very much a tendency to be very mind focused and not give enough attention to our emotions and our inner child. For those who are interested in shifting this polarity, I've channeled the following mantra. It is filled with a very potent healing energy, where through reading the words you experience quantum healing, and receive a direct experience of having your relationship with your inner child rewired in your subconscious mind.


I recommend reading it out loud as it helps to rewire the nervous system in a more powerful and immediate way!
Here you are! Enjoy



Let me know how you felt when you were reading this! I look forward to connecting with you! :)



inner child.jpg

It brought me to tears... I've been working on the shadow and my inner child recently and finding this feels like a true blessing. thank you

softly into the Abyss...

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Omg this totally worked for him!

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@Keyhole I agree, I'm glad he found his connection to inner child. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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