
After buying LP Course, I'm considering dropping out of Grad School. Need advice ASAP

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I'm only in my second class. I'm still living at home and doing it virtually due to COVID so I haven't invested much money into it at all yet. I literally don't give a flying fuck about the material. Like I don't give a shit about it at all. It's an MA in Economics by the way. Literally, as we speak, I am actually in class now. Its been an hour and I haven't even slightly paid attention. I've been surfing the internet the whole time trying to figure out if I should drop out.

A couple major problems. I still don't have a job. I've been looking and had a couple interviews with some banks and other things but nothing yet. I feel like the addition of being in grad school on my resume has been extremely helpful in hearing back from places because I have no relevant finance work experience so at least pursuing a Master's gives me SOMETHING to talk about. Another problem is who knows how the hell my parents are going to react to me dropping out. My mom is absolutely desperate and extremely anxious about me finding a job. I think she'd freak the fuck out if I told her this.

I'm still quite early in the LP course and I don't really know what it is yet, but I'm extremely motivated to be creative and I've been learning a lot about myself. I have a side project in mind that I started working on and am extremely excited and motivated to work on it, even as I currently type this. My gut feeling is telling me to drop the fuck out. Get out before I waste more time and money. I can't bear the thought of working a 9-5, but I know i'll have to, at least for a little. Just to have my own money for once and get of the my parents house. But I have this weird but incredibly strong confidence that I'm gonna figure it out in life. I will be able to make it on my own.

I've asked many questions before on here but now I am very desperate for advice. Please guys, what do you think I should do. Leo, if you're reading this please give me your advice. Should I see out grad school? Should I stay in at least until I find a job? Let me know, thanks

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At least completely finish the life purpose course and give yourself a couple of weeks to contemplate and integrate everything before making any big life decisions.

You're already partway into the semester and have already paid for everything. It won't be a huge waste or loss of time to spend a few months to finish the courses that you're enrolled in now. If it turns out that your life purpose could apply to your current studies, it'll mess you up way more if you drop out and then try to get back on track in a few months.

Sounds like your current course isn't the right fit for you. But don't be too hasty about abandoning before you have something else to move on to.

If nothing else, it'll be way easier to explain to your mom if you have something you're passionate about to replace school with, and can give her a timeline of how you're going to accomplish it. Instead of just "I dunno, I'll figure it out"

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Yea I can understand the position your in but I gotta tell it to you straight focusing on your life purpose is hard if you don't have your survival needs met. 

How far are you into your grad school? Would it be even worth while quitting? Would your parents be ok with you dropping your grad school for a lower paying job to help with the bills? How committed are you to your side project, could you do it after school? This is a very personal decision, that needs to be covered at multiple angles. Try asking yourself these questions and see how you feel but always remember your survival needs need to be met first before you can thrive.

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@Yarco Very solid advice thank you so much. It seems like that would definitely be the responsible thing to do. It's probably best to finish the LP course and hopefully actually find a decent job before I completely drop out.

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@Bando So the entire program is about 10 classes. I'm like 2 weeks into my second class, I already completed one class. My parents would be okay with me dropping the program only if I'm able to find a decent paying job (decent being at least around $40,000). If I drop out and still can't find a job then there are obvious problems, and I agree with them there. I think if I'm being honest it would be wise to just stick it out until I can find a job. It's more a matter of do I bother finishing the masters degree even if I end up finding a job because I really don't like or care about it as I stated. idk man these life decisions are so hard...

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A few things I noticed.

  • Seems like you might be paying too much attention in pleasing your parents and perhaps fearing their reactions.  I'm not saying you shouldn't nor should take their advice.  But if you can overcome the internal fear (or w/e it is) in relation to them, you might be able to see more clearly and authentically what it is you really want.
    • I think the part about "finding a decent paying job at $40,000" seemed to be like setting a boundary about what is acceptable for you.  Yet, did you decide what's acceptable for you or did they?  
  • Small bets
    • Do some small projects to see if something is really worth your time (which you can perhaps do during school)

Techniques to aid decision making

  • Imagine yourself sitting in a room, surrounded by all of your heroes.   Ask each one of them your question to see what they'd say.
  • Ask yourself...
    • What would Courage do?
    • What does my Gut say?
    • How does contemplating Death shed light on things?
    • What does Caution say?
    • What would my Enemy want me to do?
  • Do psychedelics
  • Cultivate a sense of love in yourself, and then, from that position, ask yourself the question and see what you see.  What would love do?
  • Do sentence completions
    • Write a sentence stem like "The most loving, wise, important, and best choice to make here is to..."
    • Then write 6-15 answers as fast as you can, without thinking.
    • See what comes up.


Remember, there are no right answers.  :) 

You got this.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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@GroovyGuru Just from the way you talk about your lack of passion for those classes, that is a clear sign that pursing this degree will be a waste of your time and talent.

Find what lights you up.

A masters degree is not gonna guarantee you any jobs. To get good jobs you must build a solid portfolio and marketable skills. Not degrees.

You can get a temporary job now while you figure out your true passions.

You don't need an MA in economics to find a decent job.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Matt23 Thank you so much for your wise words... You are definitely correct about fearing the reactions of my parents. I've let this control me for much of my life in many areas. For the most part, they are actually supportive and very easy-going. My mom is just a bit crazy. I have to contemplate this more

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@Leo Gura Thank you for your advice Leo. Your course is beyond helpful and insightful. The only thing I'm upset about is the fact that I didn't invest the measly $200 4 years ago. Who knows where I'd be now. But, I'm confident I have a bright future ahead.

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@GroovyGuru imagine how amazing your life is gonna be in 4 years and you will feel so grateful for that 200$ investment that changed your life?

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