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Awakenings come and go

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Awakenings come and go.

What is present during both awakening and non-awakening?

Find out what that is

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they come before whom?

they go away from whom?


they come and arrive where?

they go and leave from where?


the destination is always where it is, the traveler comes and goes

the destination is also the origin point.

it is a single point.

you are that single point.

stop thinking you're the traveler.

you're the one who receives the traveler and bid him farewell when he leaves.

Love Is The Answer

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19 hours ago, eputkonen said:

Awakenings that come and go are not really an awakening.

I was going to post exactly that when I read the thread title. xD

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That's where the arrow is shooting, but I can't tell which way it's going (backwards, forwards sideways) ?? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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The self can never see itself. Nothing to see there.It can only see reflections and projections.

No way for a formless being to experience itself than to imagine being something,somewhere,somehow.

Really and truly unlimited, yet a mystery to itself as well.

It needs egos and masks to know any kind of world,experience.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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6 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

The self can never see itself. Nothing to see there.It can only see reflections and projections.

No way for a formless being to experience itself than to imagine being something,somewhere,somehow.

Really and truly unlimited, yet a mystery to itself as well.

It needs egos and masks to know any kind of world,experience.

 You speak of the Self reference problem.  Something totally One is unable to step outside of itself to reference itself or validate that it is there - which is grounding.  Something that is one and thus unlimited can therefore have no ground.   It simply needs to be conscious that it IS itself.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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