
'letting Go' And Neti Neti Contradiction

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In the letting go method of leo's latest video he talks about 'becoming reality'. Instead of being in your mind, be 'out there'.

Doesnt this contradict neti neti which says you are not an experience? 

Why would you become reality, when 'becoming reality' is itself an experience?

What you really are is that intangible thing experiencing reality..

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Also, yes we are already aware without doing anything. But because i can perceive myself being aware, i cannot be awareness/consciousness

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@WhatAmI yes be the reality, but take note  reality that you exist as NOTHINGNESS(which is not an experience), he said that dont locate yourself because it's impossible, just give up and just simply be it.

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Leo never said that it was a method to be used for Enlightenment, the Meditation practices are really for developing your awareness and not trying to find the True self. That's like saying there's a contradiction between contemplation and meditation when they're used for different situations.



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@Epsilon_The_Imperial oh okay thanks for clearing it up!! :) So would u say the main ways to find the true self is neti neti + strong determination sitting?? 

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2 minutes ago, WhatAmI said:

@Epsilon_The_Imperial oh okay thanks for clearing it up!! :) So would u say the main ways to find the true self is neti neti + strong determination sitting?? 

I do not have any personal experience of Enlightenment, so take my words here with a grain of salt. From what Leo and some others here on the forum have said, that seems to work if you are determined. However, there is one catch. Enlightenment occurs very differently for everyone, and before latching onto any one particular method as the best way, keep your mind open for any other methods as you come across them in the course of your learning. That's not to say that you won't commit to Netti Netti and SDS, but that its results might not be as fast as you expect.

The thing is, the spiritual teachers base their methods and judgments off of their own experience with them, so it would be good to get to understand your own ego first. If you don't, there always comes the possibility of self-deception with emotional torment that the ego creates in response to whatever method you try.

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5 hours ago, WhatAmI said:

In the letting go method of leo's latest video he talks about 'becoming reality'. Instead of being in your mind, be 'out there'.

Doesnt this contradict neti neti which says you are not an experience? 

Why would you become reality, when 'becoming reality' is itself an experience?

What you really are is that intangible thing experiencing reality..


When you are practising neti-neti you are becoming aware of an experience and then noting that the experience is not you (because you are experiencing it, you logically deduct that you cannot be it) and then you become aware of the next experience and you repeat.

When you are practising the letting-go technique, you are becoming aware of an experience and then you are just letting it go and becoming aware of the next experience and you repeat.


They're both getting you to do the same thing, it's just described differently.

If you keep doing this sooner or later it will dawn on you what you are. But you can't control that and nobody can tell you what "that" is. Paradoxically, you will merge with experiences, so you stop seeing experience as different from you. Again, it isn't something you can actually do, it just happens when it happens, so keep recognising experiences, feeling them and moving on. You don't actually have to "move on" to the next experience, it will just arrive by itself.


1 hour ago, WhatAmI said:

@Epsilon_The_Imperial oh okay thanks for clearing it up!! :) So would u say the main ways to find the true self is neti neti + strong determination sitting?? 


Strong determination sitting just makes this process more intense  i.e. you practice with more intense experiences like pain, so you drop your bullshit quicker. You don't need to do strong determination sitting though, you can do this lying down in your bed with stuffed toys and it will still work.

Edited by Marc Schinkel

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