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How The **** Do I Motivate Myself To Do Personal Development

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Yeah , I'm sleep walking through life I know that but how do I make myself want to get involved with enlightenment and the rising of awareness , like two years ago I got into fitness not bc I didnt like myself or wanted to be buff or healthy but bc I wanted a gf , I ended liking it and made it a habit but even though  physically taking I suffered a lot and still do bc of the hard work that needs to be done I don't find myself motivated enough to spend hours working towards enlightenment and rising of  awareness .


thank you all for your help :) 

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I guess you can watch the video "3 levels of personal development", Im not sure but I think your not ready yet for the Enlightenment stuff (very advance ). Like Leo said if you have any issue like relationship, fix that first, have an abundant  relationships. Im a serious guy on the Enlightenment path for more than a year, but now I found myself still a newbie, and sometime felt bored raising on awareness.Goodluck.

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