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What after death?

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

@nitramadas OK Einstein.. Explain to Me how death is "not physical".?  If you see a dead dog in the streets how is that not a physical phenomenon?  Make sure this is not a word game. What should be understood from the "mental" it's something my mind is doing and has no basis in reality. We know as a matter of fact the body will die.. Will end will collapse will dissolve will disappear.. Call it what you wish.. How is that not a physical phenomenon? And what does that even aiming for?   Yes or no the body will die?  Yes ofcourse. So let's skip this airy fairy "death is an illusion" bullshit and just face the problem head on. 

Uhhhh, have you not seen Leo's videos? That should be enough.  This is "post-rational" stuff, if you're not Yellow, which you're not, it will just seem like some distant, abstract philosophy.  Knowledge at this point is vague; based on many vague connections; and becomes increasingly more reliant on intuition. 

I have to say, you didn't understand my ~2k word essay, and what I'm talking about here touches on things that all need essays of their own .  You can get the majority of the prerequisite knowledge from Leo's videos.  But even then, you're not Yellow.  That's kind of a big deal.  It's like being a different species.  I promise I mean no offence.  Though it might be difficult for you to see that.

Luckily, I've saved probably around a million words in essays I've written this year.  Here's one that seems relevant.   This is a summary I wrote to my introduction to virtual reality.  It takes you step by step using logical derivations to show how there is no reason to assume matter exists.  Designed to even be compatible with Blue.

Note: Originally formatted for YouTube comments.  Haven't proofread this.  idk what this summary left out..  But it should provide the backbone for the abstract concepts you're struggling with.  Had I known you're unfamiliar with Actualized, I would've started at a lower level.  With this, you should be able to understand most of the common concepts talked about in Actualized, which should, hopefully, enable you to understand what I've been saying.  Maybe this model alone will suffice..



1. *Your entire reality is just your mind tell you what's "there".*
If an object is small, the brain uses memory and other visual data to make you believe it's 'far away'. You decide to move forward, and you "feel" what you've "learned" to be your leg sensations, again just data.  Seeing visual information update as you move just cements the illusion.  If this is too abstract, just remember what video games are _currently_ :

A. Updating visuals that form the illusion of space through visual consistencies. Is something far away in a video game actually far away? No, just made to look smaller based on your "distance" from it.  There aren't that many ways to create "space", so of course video games are gonna copy RL, RL is like this for a reason, it works
B. Controller vibrations.  

C. Audio  

D. Spatial audio.  

E. Pathfinding.

What do you think's gonna happen when neuralink comes out? 

2. *Things mostly seem consistent, so you treat reality as physical / actually being there.*
You always get the data you expect, you've always believed you're in the physical, and since nothing changes, you cling to those old, ungrounded childhood beliefs.

3. *Life happens in the mind & you can't fully trust the brain's interpretation of anything*
(as seen with how easily it can be skewed with psychedellics or simply your mental state)

4. *Since life happens ENTIRELY in the mind, even if there was a physical matter reality, noone's _ever_ been there & you will never experience it* .
In life, you can only experience what your brain allows.
(To experience a "physical reality" you'd have to stop processing all the sense inputs coming to your brain.  That would, technically, be the "physical", but it wouldn't be a "physical matter reality", you wouldn't find life there.  It would be a void.  That's what happens when you "turn off the lights, all of them".  Life does not exist physically, never has, never will.  )

5. *The brain is a creation of consciousness to define limitation*
Imagine if humans started out with an average of 1000IQ, think they wouldn't have nuked themselved long ago?  It's not the intellect we're developing here.  This is the evolution of consciousness—but that's a topic for another time.

6. *Physical reality is not only unnecessary, but also theoretically inaccessible and, therefore, could not exist in any capacity*
Reality is non-physical.  Physicality can only ever be an illusion.  Hopefully you understand by now that "Feeling and seeing" is not enough reason to consider reality physical.

7. *What did reality come from?*
If you say _something_ , if you say _the big bang_ , you then have to explain where those came from, and so on..  *What did reality come from?*    *What is reality made of?*
Should be obvious by now.  The answer is: Nothing.  No matter what theories anyone has, it _has_ to always start and end with nothing.  Everything else would require structures and explanations requiring more explanations.  Nothingness is not to be confused with non-existence, however.  Nothing is the only "thing" than can be "anything".

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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I cleaned up this thread a bit. Everyone please stay on topic and watch your tone, be kind to one another.

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9 minutes ago, universe said:

I cleaned up this thread a bit. Everyone please stay on topic and watch your tone, be kind to one another.

Ahhh, I was just about to compliment you, and then you go and forcibly destroy my post..

If only this forum could make distinctions between serious posts and comments..  



ummm, when you die, you go to heaven or hell.  

(Now you can't delete this post..)


You..  didn't delete any of my actual posts, right?

Edited by nitramadas

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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For the trend starter:

You can only know these things by experiencing them yourself. All our experiences for you maybe mere fantasies,but if you leave the body at least once,you will know the truth.

So if you REALLY want to know meditate or do psychs. In any case you will be fine.


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@nitramadas alright it seems like in every post of yours you will spend a few Paragraphs rambling about how fucking intelligent you are and even better than Leo in understanding nonduality and how ignorant the other person who you are responding to is....

To ignore list my friend you ain't worth wasting my time. You won't last long here if you keep this up btw. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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14 hours ago, Jo96 said:

 for those of you who say the body isn’t real or it’s imagination. That still doesn’t discount the fact that you’re here now In this way and one day you won’t be in this way.

More precisely: "this body is here now in this way and one day it won't be in this way".

(given we imagine there will be a future)

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