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What after death?

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physical death doesn't change anything. You won't be closer to Source than you are now. If you are caught in the illusion during this physical life, you will be caught in the illusion after physical death. There will be the illusion of an atral body and astral world.

You are Source right now. physical death doesn't bring you any closer.

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6 hours ago, justfortoday said:

The entire universe ends, like in a dream.

One heck of an ending. Will give ya that. 

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11 hours ago, Lyubov said:

it's interesting to ponder just as it is interesting to ponder what will happen next year

"Interesting " lol.. You and everyone else are scared shitless by the smell of death lol. It's not a philosophical entertainment thing.. The human mind wants to know what lies on the other side because it's afraid. 

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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7 hours ago, nitramadas said:

Where did you learn this.. concept of "death"?  It's a mental construct of the mind that only has bearing on the mind.  

Take away the mind, take away the problem.  "What happens after death?" is a question of the mind.  That question shouldn't exist in the first place.  Rephrase the question, and you'll have your answer.


Person 1: "How many Leos does it take to actualize one Leo?" 

Person 1: "Well?.."

Person 2: "Damn.  What a hard question.. "


Does that look like a hard question?

No, that's not a "hard" question.  It's a retarded question.  A question first has to be good.

I don't know what are you talking about.   

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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10 hours ago, justfortoday said:

The entire universe ends, like in a dream.

Obviously.  What after the end? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I have been out of body on different occasions,so i can say the illusion continues..At least for me. Machine elves,realms other incarnations... F yeah!

I have seen the dmt heads of Alex Grey and the machine elf tenticle tunnel thingy... Words don't do it justice.

That happened through a stressful period,had entities in my sleep levitate me,one of them was chanting "love" and i was feeling weightless. They told me you will die now and i surrender. I was out of body flying to the tunnel, but a thought came up...

Wait am i not a human?

That brought me back,dammit!

I have an eternity and this light never goes out... Even in the dark where it was born!

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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11 hours ago, Someone here said:

Obviously.  What after the end? 

You’re not grasping what I am saying. 

You are inside a dream, couched within another dream, couched within another dream.

When this dream ends, you awaken to another dream, and when that ends you awaken to another dream, to infinity.

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12 hours ago, Someone here said:

I don't know what are you talking about.   

Ever heard of non-duality?  I made a lengthier post since someone needed clarification .


But, really, I'm kind of shocked you "don't know what are you talking about" 

Are you familiar with Actualized?  I guess I could've written it a bit more clearly, but anyone with any kind of basic familiarity with these concepts should be able to work out what I meant by saying that death isn't a physical phenomenon, and that the distinction between life and death is purely mental.  I'm sorry, but if even that doesn't make sense, I have no idea why you're posting.  No offence, really, just kind of disappointed.. 


You and the other guy don't seem to be native English speakers, maybe my structure was too confusing.  I can understand, being a non-native speaker myself. 

Edited by nitramadas

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@nitramadas be patient with us... Sure it's a freaking rainbow up in here with the 'levels', but I don't think you are respecting Leo's vision in bringing this info to blues and oranges, while also appealing to the whole blend of colors he's attracted. To do all of that must be a hell of a job and I'm not jealous whatsoever. But being mean to people that don't understand might shock their ego into clarity, but most likely pushes them away. 

This forum is a fairly balanced echo chamber, and I implore you to just settle in and enjoy learning or sharing, and not lash out too harshly when your expectations of what a highly conscious forum should be, are not met. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@nitramadas who told you death of physical body is identical to death of a video game character that you are playing??  You see what are you basing this analogy on?  Your mere mere fantasies? 

Also chill the fuck out and give me a fucking break with your "I know it all" tone... You don't know shit my friend. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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1 hour ago, justfortoday said:

You’re not grasping what I am saying. 

You are inside a dream, couched within another dream, couched within another dream.

When this dream ends, you awaken to another dream, and when that ends you awaken to another dream, to infinity.

Nice perspective but how do you know that for certain?  Might die and just go "blank" for eternity. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@nitramadas be respectful and just share your perspective without so much nonsense about how ignorant everyone is except you. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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48 minutes ago, nitramadas said:

Death is not a  physical phenomenon, and that the distinction between life and death is purely mental.  

@nitramadas OK Einstein.. Explain to Me how death is "not physical".?  If you see a dead dog in the streets how is that not a physical phenomenon?  Make sure this is not a word game. What should be understood from the "mental" it's something my mind is doing and has no basis in reality. We know as a matter of fact the body will die.. Will end will collapse will dissolve will disappear.. Call it what you wish.. How is that not a physical phenomenon? And what does that even aiming for?   Yes or no the body will die?  Yes ofcourse. So let's skip this airy fairy "death is an illusion" bullshit and just face the problem head on. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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29 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Nice perspective but how do you know that for certain?  Might die and just go "blank" for eternity. 

Your ego for sure will die, and so will your body. I hate when people say “death is an illusion” because they want to sound smart and advanced. 

I have had multiple out of body experiences myself and can 100% assure you consciousness is non localized. 

Imagine the transcendental “I” just jumps from body to body. You simply awake as a body / life.

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5 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Your ego for sure will die, and so will your body. I hate when people say “death is an illusion” because they want to sound smart and advanced. 

I have had multiple out of body experiences myself and can 100% assure you consciousness is non localized. 

Imagine the transcendental “I” just jumps from body to body. You simply awake as a body / life.

Good for you bro. But unfortunately I haven't had any such experiences so I can't take your words for it. It has to be my experience or it's just a belief.  I understand that I'm not the body. But that doesn't say anything about what after death?  It seems like there will always be some kind of experience since reality must be infinite.. But again that doesn't say what kind of experience. You see we can agree there will be consciousness after death. But we can't get the details. And that still leaves room for some fear and doubts. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Good for you bro. But unfortunately I haven't had any such experiences so I can't take your words for it. It has to be my experience or it's just a belief.  I understand that I'm not the body. But that doesn't say anything about what after death?  It seems like there will always be some kind of experience since reality must be infinite.. But again that doesn't say what kind of experience. You see we can agree there will be consciousness after death. But we can't get the details. And that still leaves room for some fear and doubts. 

That is a fair point. 

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It's unknowable because the questionnaire turns out to be unreal!!

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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I have no idea. I don’t know how anybody could really prove that. I don’t know what’s gonna happen in 5 minutes. How should I know what will happen when I die. for those of you who say the body isn’t real or it’s imagination. That still doesn’t discount the fact that you’re here now In this way and one day you won’t be in this way.

Edited by Jo96

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

@nitramadas be respectful and just share your perspective without so much nonsense about how ignorant everyone is except you. 

This agenda you think I have..  uhhhhhhhhhhh


"how ignorant everyone is except you. "

Did I say that? Is that projection again? I don't intend on sounding arrogant, I just provide relevant information.  Someone didn't get it, so I elaborated, since I elaborated, you, for some reason, think I'm trying to impress someone or something.  huh?!? Are you under the impression that anything you don't already know is BS? Are you expecting me to provide you with empirical evidence for the most abstract, subjective concepts in existence? I thought I did a good job refraining from speaking about the more advanced concepts which I'd have no chance of adequately explaining.  

The thing is, if Leo does a 4 hour talk on Libertarianism, do you think he's arrogant?  What makes his qualified to speak about anything? Have you seen his qualifications?  No, you don't need to, he just gives great insights, and if you gain something from that, then great.  Yet you're insisting on seeing me as somehow inherently different. 

I've been doing this stuff for about as long as him, he's been doing self-enquiry; enlightenment; non-duality work for longer than me, I've been doing practical, intellectual, and "deep dive" work for longer than him.  He also had a slight head start on personal development.  We just started from different approaches.  I can see problems in him, if positions were reversed, he could see problems in me.  Here's some common sense: Every source is biased.  Even the best ones.  Every teacher WANTS you to challenge their models, to go and explore, to expand your understanding and seeing from new perspectives.  What you're doing is the opposite of helping anyone, what you seem to be concerned with is NOT growth, but something else, maybe your social standing or your imaginary status or value within some group. 

Considering the nature of Leo's channel,  I assumed his forum would have people like him, I guess I was wrong.

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