
Materialist Universe.

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Why do you believe that we cannot be just a cold observer in a nihilist materialist universe. 

I have had awakenings, science just calls it neurosis or psychosis. However it can be described as changes in perception.

What makes you believe there is any more truth to it thanto anything else?

Isn't truth just a word that doesn't always mean the same thing for everyone... Just a concept?

Edited by Endangered-EGO

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Just now, Endangered-EGO said:

Why do you believe that we cannot be just a cold observer in a nihilist materialist universe. 

I have had awakenings, science just calls it neurosis or psychosis. However it can be described as changes in perception.

What makes you believe there is any more truth to it thanto anything else?

Isn't truth just a word that doesn't always mean the same thing for everyone... Just a concept?

you assumptions that the universe is nihilist is a subjective point of view

There is some darkness of course, but the light is so much stronger and it will prevail. Some will experience the light before others, but everybody is bound to join  the light, because it is too strong.



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@Nahm my Point is Truth is only a word. There can be reality with filters and without filters. Truth is just a big word. It doesn't have the same meaning.

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Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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Well ive had some mystical experiences but im still not 100% sure, on my LSD trip it was so obvious that this is a dream and science is studying dream content and that GOD is infinite imagination, but my sober state tells me somehow that there might just be that everything is material och physical and that consciousness is from the brain and it is by real luck that we are here and we are trying to make sense of it and we dont wanna die thats why our brain hallucinates different mystical experiences,  but i dont know how that is even possible because you cant even imagine how it is to see GOD in ur trip but somehow i did and it was the most real thing ever 

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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46 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

Well ive had some mystical experiences but im still not 100% sure, on my LSD trip it was so obvious that this is a dream and science is studying dream content and that GOD is infinite imagination, but my sober state tells me somehow that there might just be that everything is material och physical and that consciousness is from the brain and it is by real luck that we are here and we are trying to make sense of it and we dont wanna die thats why our brain hallucinates different mystical experiences,  but i dont know how that is even possible because you cant even imagine how it is to see GOD in ur trip but somehow i did and it was the most real thing ever 

If you were alive 200 years ago or still today in some tribe in sud america, you wouldn't believe to the we are in our brain story, because you never studied brain, brain chemistry and such. 

Then we can say that this is a belief born after science did some scientific discovery (and misinterpreted them). 

At the same time, it seems that your brain plays a vital role in reality, but we cannot say that we are living in our brain and that everything is physical.

How can you prove that you are physical and that there is a physical world around you? 

Through your senses.

And what can you do with your senses?

Perceive perceptions. 

We can conclude saying that we are percieving perceptions AND at the same time we cannot prove that our perceptions are true and that everything is solid (how could you do it?), but rather that there is a perception of solidity and aliveness only. 

On the top of that just remember how easily perceptions can be deceived (eg through alcohool, drugs, mood, psychedelics and such) to understand how much you cannot trust them blindly to understand reality.

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You guys are complicated stuff too much.

Just inquire and contemplate how is it possible that you are a form and not a other form.

Is clear that 'You' could never choose what body and mind you would have in this life. This should give you a clear intuition that is literally impossible that you are who you think you are.

If you seriously contemplate, non duality is actually the most coherent thing ever and the only possible thing ever. 

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6 hours ago, Endangered-EGO said:

@Nahm my Point is Truth is only a word. There can be reality with filters and without filters. Truth is just a big word. It doesn't have the same meaning.

Truth isn't just a subjective word. There is Absolute Truth but you simply aren't conscious yet of what that is.

You haven't seriously awoken. Don't assume you have.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Here's a fun video


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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3 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Here's a fun video


He is actually good!

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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15 hours ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Why do you believe that we cannot be just a cold observer in a nihilist materialist universe. 

I have had awakenings, science just calls it neurosis or psychosis. However it can be described as changes in perception.

What makes you believe there is any more truth to it thanto anything else?

Isn't truth just a word that doesn't always mean the same thing for everyone... Just a concept?

Because what is the ground for that?  OK we are just a bunch of atoms bouncing around in a three dimensional box called the universe under certain physical laws like a computer code... But you see the problem here?  Where did all that stuff come from?  Why there is laws?  Why there is matter?  Why there is three dimensions (actually four) and not more?  Why there is something rather than nothing?  .. It's the same problem with simulation theory.. (what makes you sure we aren't inside a video game) well we can be inside a video game.. Nothing impossible about it.. But it's just that's not the rock bottom of reality..the" materialist universe " has to be grounded in something else and that something else has to be grounded in something else etc so ultimately it's all grounded in what??? In nothing!  .  Think about a video game character that is convinced" I'm just a video game character in a virtual world made of pixels "..that's not" wrong " but what the video game characters would be missing that there is a whole different world" our world " that is the ground for that virtual world.  Same thing here.. If we are just material atoms in a material world.. That might be true.. But don't make the mistake of thinking that's rock bottom of reality and there is nothing beyond that. There is always more. 

Edited by Someone here

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@Nahm    Simplicity is this: Witness who you are not. Who you are cannot be perceived. This is the stage of "I am". I do not mean I am this or I am that, simply I am. Next "step" is going prior to "I am". In this stage you are the perceiver and the perceived. This "level" cannot be achieved until you have a firm "understanding" (knowing) of who you are not. 

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17 hours ago, Endangered-EGO said:

Why do you believe that we cannot be just a cold observer in a nihilist materialist universe. 

That is a second-order construct, based on symbols, based on thought. Go to the first-order, pre-construct, pre-symbolic, pre-thought space.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 9/6/2020 at 9:45 PM, Endangered-EGO said:

@Nahm my Point is Truth is only a word. There can be reality with filters and without filters. Truth is just a big word. It doesn't have the same meaning.

Kind of saying the same thing. A word is conceptual. 

@Into The Void

Yes, and also some paths go the opposite, and some are both at once. 



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@Nahm @Nahm That's what I meant, wouldn't it be easier and more concrete to call it "perception/reality without filters" or "raw input".

Or is what you guys call truth something else?

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@Leo Gura I have had the nothingness awakening with eternity. I get that 100%.

I'm not in it right now, but how would you paraphrase the word truth so I can understand what you guys mean?

The metaphysical nature of reality? Raw input?

I believe that it might be just a word-thing. I would never call that truth.

What's the difference between saying metaphysical nature of reality and truth? What am I missing?

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With respect to what you’re asking, all words are relative and can only point. You have to visit The Wizard yourself so to speak. When there is no more absolute truth, that / this is ‘it’, that / this is what seemed to be pointed to. 



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