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The Lost One

I am anxious, because I listened to my intuition instead of my logic.

2 posts in this topic

I had this long story written, but I deleted it.
Basically, I am prolonging my studies by 1 year to grow ot as a person, find a job, apartment, start my bussiness etc.
I have only graduation and thesis left, but my intuition is telling me I need this period to grow, because uni as a whole was incredible setback for me.

I take full responsibility for trusting my intuition and I will deal with consequences that arise from it.
Even If I feel anxious because of the decision, I take full responsibility.

Intuition is powerful tool and this is a step towards mastering it. 
Sorry for taking your time if you clicked. 

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I can relate to you. Sometimes intuition can lead us to a situation where we are completely lost.

But that's exactly what it's for: to get you completely lost so that you can be truly found. To take everything away from you so that you have nothing to lose to embark on the hero's journey. To overthrow your old belief system in order to build a new one.

My approach after living in resistance for a long time is that I say to myself: "I accept everything. I don't understand where it will lead me to but I accept everything. I believe God has a much better plan than mine." Then, a revelation will show up. It may be a thought, a small act on intuition, speaking something that I'd rather not, connecting with a stranger, etc. I keep an eye out for the signs. 

As a matter of fact, this forum was a synchronicity. If I have not vowed for radical acceptance, I wouldn't have had the energy to check it out. It turns out to be gold. The first question about regret I posted has attracted a lot of high-quality answers to dissolve my long-standing stuck spot. So, just accept it (you can do it partly if total acceptance is too hard) and wait for the next sign of move.

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