
god is not a singular entity

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Is this Pantheism? But it raises a question, is 'everything' a singularity (unity)  or a diverse multiplicity of things, or both? I thought it was single, with the diversity a creation of our imagination. 

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And that One is also an infinity of forms. Shapes, colours, sounds etc. It'd be pretty boring otherwise :)

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5 hours ago, Arzack said:

it is everything

sounds like semantics idk


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20 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

"everything" is actually One

or Zero...

At least we know its not two :D 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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50 minutes ago, LarryW said:

And that One is also an infinity of forms. Shapes, colours, sounds etc. It'd be pretty boring otherwise :)

 That's ILLUSION. It's literally One man ?


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11 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

 That's ILLUSION. It's literally One man ?


Yeah I guess. Hello my made up friends.?

God=Infinite Love.

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No not made up friends,literally you talking to yourself in different bodies,people keep simplifying this like it's the ego imagining reality and thats bs xD

I imagine reality as god lets say, people trees,the earth the infinite universe and so much more. Now all of the beings i'm imagining are living,"existing" within this infinite mindspace. It is unlimited because the substance is consciousness. The one mind permeates all imagined selves, it is all of them.

Closest thing you can find is multiple personality disorder,however here it is like facets of a mind,creating the illusion of a separate identity. 

You can try right now imagine a woman and man on a beach. The man says what a lovely weather, the woman hugs him. The waves brush on the shore. 

Because god has so much power,in it's mind its happening as a illusion,as a idea manifested in reality. But see in this example both these people are in your mind,they are you,your creations.

Some call it the god of dreams.It can dream up anything. After waking up several times,it probably decided to try how it can fully utilize it's power,whether consciously or not,so it created an infinite dream.

You could say we are god thoughts.

Behind it all we are all it. Parts of the one mind,which can realize they are the whole.

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@Arzack You need to seriously watch out for your Zen devilry.

You have much more to awaken to, grasshopper. So don't get penisy.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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