
SSRIS and anxiety

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What is everyone’s thoughts on SSRIS/antidepressants? Do people need to take them because they have an imbalance in their serotonin levels or can that be fixed naturally without taking drugs? 

I currently take 20mg of citalopram for panic attacks/anxiety because it got to the point where I could barely leave house... I would love to come off them though since I hate the idea of taking a pill every single day... 

also it really affects psychedelic trips since I looked it up

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What do you do after you take the antidepressant? The medicine only suppresses the syndrome so that you can leave the house to do things. But the real work is to look into yourself to identify the abusive voice that generates anxiety all the time. 

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I’ve been on antidepressants for 20+ years, and I wouldn’t have been able to do my personal development work without them. They don’t correct a “chemical imbalance”—that’s been disproven. They do help some people and are worth a shot if nothing else works.

Ideally, no one would need antidepressants, but this isn’t an ideal world. If your doctor recommends them and they help you, don’t let anyone talk you out of them.

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On 6. 9. 2020 at 11:10 AM, Profinity said:

I currently take 20mg of citalopram for panic attacks/anxiety because it got to the point where I could barely leave house... I would love to come off them though since I hate the idea of taking a pill every single day... 

If your anxiety is that bad, just take them if they help, as long as you need. If you do your personal development diligently, in addition to taking pills, it increases the likelihood you won't have to stay on them your whole life. But be prepared for a few years of antidepressants. Don't go off of them until you feel fully functional. 

Most of the work you need to do can be done while taking antidepressants, AND will be easier to do on them. If you go off them, without great individual guidance (both therapeutic and spiritual), IMHO you are very likely to just get stuck.

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I suffered from anxiety for a long time. First I refused meds but after a year of intense suffering I finally agreed to them. Meds are meant to be used in conjunction with therapy to ease the suffering while you address the root cause of anxiety. Don't come off of meds until you are emotionally stable.

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On 14.9.2020 at 3:43 AM, Elisabeth said:

Don't go off of them until you feel fully functional. 

Also if you feel fully functional, never go off at once becuase you will have severe withdrawal symptoms for months and even years.

Even the regualr doctors recomendations about cutting 25% of the pill at once are too aggressive and also cause severe withdrawal, what makes them say its "a relapse" while its mainly the withdrawal.

Tapering down should be done at no more than 10% of the last dose at every drop, and no less than 2-4 weeks of holding between drops. If you want more information there are exetremely serious and responsible forums that are all dedicated only to tapering down antidepressants issue (much more responsible than most doctors advices I promise you) and one must do the reduction of the pill together with them, in addition to the doctor. Still its better to find a doctor to at least accompany you.

I do it myself with my cymbalta 60mg which tommorow it will be already at 46.8mg. I started tapring in mid May after bad mental health months as I suspected 10 years on drugs made my anxiety worse in the last couple of years, and thats why I feel I must go off graduately.

At this point I really don't trust my doctor consideration and POV about what I need, and I must do it by myself regardless her refusal to support this.

Edited by Nivsch

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SSRIs are effective for major depressive conditions where people are borderline suicidal and at risk of harming themselves or others. For mild-to-moderate ones the evidence shows that they are not that different to placebo and side-effects are nasty. 

But if it is like you said that leaving a house is impossible, they may provide help while you work on the underlying issues. I think this is how they should be used, to stabilise you so that you can work on identifying a solution. 

If you are looking for more natural solution, St.John's Wort has probably the greatest amount of evidence and when compared to most SSRIs & TCYs for mild or moderate depression. SJW is however not effective for major depression. 

NOTE: You MUST NOT mix SJW (or any other antidepressant herbs) with antidepressant medications, that could create a manic state even be fatal. 

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I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Nobody_Here How has the depression taught you over TWO decades?! What symptoms are still sticking?

I've been taking pills unwillingly for two years straight now and only recently my dosage has been tapered because of 2 people who helped me get back on course, the husband recommended me UI/UX Design, an illustrious career I could never imagine would give me so much pleasure and uplift me.


Edited by Dhruv

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