
Does God really love the action of rape, murder, etc?

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This is what I read a long time ago that made me see that verse as such. 

Narrated by Ibn Abbas, one of the culture of the Jahiliyya(age of ignorance) Arab before Islam was , 

If a man died, their wali(male family members) could marry his wife. The wali will have a right over the dead man's wife. He can marry her, or marry her to another man by his permission. And she would have no choice. Her family too would have no right to marry her to another. 

There are also things like marrying your father's ex-wife. (Stepmother)

And marrying siblings(two women who are siblings). At the same time. 

These Jahiliyya culture was then banned by Islam. 


Edited by Ibgdrgnxxv

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17 minutes ago, Ibgdrgnxxv said:


If a man died, their wali(male family members) could marry his wife. The wali will have a right over the dead man's wife. He can marry her, or marry her to another man by his permission. And she would have no choice. Her family too would have no right to marry her to another. 


This was done because of inheritance. They don't want their family's wealth to go to another. 

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13 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Mafortu loved that ??

@BipolarGrowth one of the best things you can do right now is stop saying 'he' in relation to God. Not that I can sit here and explain to you what is God, but I don't even see how there could be a God of something indivisible., ?‍♂️  

I was just using he because it’s more comfortable/convenient. I’ve started using it instead most of the time. God is a he, she, it, and many other things. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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4 hours ago, Arzack said:

What a time to be alive.

Maybe you were already experiencing that during that time as a wife, just that you had forgotten.

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On 9/5/2020 at 11:57 PM, Leo Gura said:

Your framing is wack here. You make it sound like God is a dude sitting up in the clouds clapping his hands as he observes rape.

That's not what Love means here.

Love is an infinite self-embrace. God loves rape because rape is an aspect of Infinity / Self. God's love of rape is simply God's love of itself. God IS rape. God IS Love.

I’ve been listening to your podcasts and find some of the words you use betray meaning. God as you say is not rape. God as you say is not love. Both the terms God and love can’t be simply defined. I have been awakened for years and understand some of your concepts because I understood them before I heard you say them, but your use of the term “nothing” is misleading. Awakening is becoming attuned to the presence of everything, not being reduced to nothing. Yahweh is part of everything, as the brain is part of the body. The Logos is what defines us in our roles. We are more like cosmic hormones, causing change on this planet. Although essentially a single hormone may seem like a “nothing”, properly directed in concert with the rest of the body it brings about balance. The Logos is balance. God is not rape, nor does He enjoy it? Rape is imbalance. The design is for human males to display genetic excellence and to be selected by females. Being physically forced circumvents the Logos.

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Did you know that US law didn't recognize marital rape until the 1980s?

Rape was literally defined as: "A man having forced sex with a woman who is not his wife."

Not only that. In one of my college courses, down south, back in 2012, there were legitimately several people in the class (some of them girls) who were actually shocked that you could be married and also raped-by/rape your spouse. So that law was apparently an intuition that never died... In 2012 at that place anyway. Interesting quirks in this love simulator...

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On 9/5/2020 at 9:35 PM, BipolarGrowth said:

Does he just love the people involved or the actions as well? 

Infinite can not know finite. Infinite can not love an apple, because infinite does not know an apple. There are no actions, as Well, only being, only the infinitude of you.   



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2 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@BipolarGrowth who is God God of? 

Using the word “god”, you should understand the word “god”. It means a heavenly being (el). Biblically the word elohim means gods. It was translated as God because they couldn’t preach monotheism otherwise. Often you see Lord God which actually translates to the Self Existent (Jehovah) of the gods. In essence the word “god” is attributed to celestial visitors. So God as you asked is God of gods, and all that is created by Him. He has intellectual property rights to His creation.

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@Hungry wait what?  Does this artist have a personality? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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On 9/7/2020 at 11:16 AM, Hungry said:

Rape is imbalance. The design is for human males to display genetic excellence and to be selected by females. Being physically forced circumvents the Logos.

Imbalance is not possible, circumventing the Logos is not possible. Seriously, neither man nor woman is that powerful...

And from the perspective of Logos, neither man nor woman has final say in this, or anything else.

This may not be pleasant to hear, but rape is balance. I am by no means arguing for giving rape of any kind a place in human morality, but like it or not, Logos is not subject to human morality. And nothing ever happens that is not completely in balance and completely in alignment with Logos, because it IS Logos.

And no that's not an excuse for rape. Not only men are Logos, women are Logos too, and social justice is Logos too. Everything is already accounted for, even the shadow accounting of humans.

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On 9/7/2020 at 3:16 AM, Hungry said:

God as you say is not rape. God as you say is not love. Both the terms God and love can’t be simply defined.

Sounds like you're simply conscious of what God and Love are.

God is everything that exists. Love is everything that exists.

If it exists, it is God/Love. Hence rape is God/Love.

Don't you find it odd that you believe that God created the universe, and yet you somehow think God didn't create rape???

If God didn't create rape, who did?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If God didn't create rape, who did?

Patriarchy!  ? 

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