
Why should you care about enlightenment?

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I don’t care about enlightenment. I have a perfectly happy life without it but I would like to know why you should care. What are the benefits from it?

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It's a fair question, i can only speak on the benefits of awakening or awakening experiences with psychedelics and inquiry.

One thing is the free will thing. We are anxious,afraid angry and frustrated because we think we control "fate".

However you are just witnessing this life,it's all predetermined,god's will.

Most spiritual teacher say this there is no "doer" only the illusion of one.

The good side of this is you stop the blame game.Anxiety,etc.

You realize you never had control,forgive yourself and even find peace with most situations.

That's a positive. What else hmm.. More compassion for "others" realizing they are also you. More kindness and love and understanding,knowing people don't have free will the blaming stops. Instead you enjoy the variety of people in front of you. 

Now for full blown enlightment idk positives. People describe a state of eternal bliss etc,but i'm not sure that exists. Thats also an illusion. I have had the experience of "the void" and it's where consciousnes actually is. You become nothing in nothing. Or in other words formless awareness aware of itself(sounds weird,experience is weirder.)

This happened EXACTLY after an illusory bliss experience,bliss is just an idea as well never forget this.

So overall i would say it has it's uses, but ending all desires,rebirths and just remaining in oblivion seems pointless to me personally. I would rather live a rollercoaster life,but each to our own.

Possible negatives: alienation, no one understands you,try to share your experiences you sound crazy to others,also now you know a deep secret,that if you continue to pursue can make you mad. It's why i quit i had probably over 20 trips xD

Started having hallucinations,vivid dreams in which i melt into waves and other things.Glad that hell is behind me it was like PTSD

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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