
Why is awakening so rare?

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Why is it that enlightenment is so rare when we have the best technology for achieving it (5meo) ?In a few minutes you are able to realize god with this powerful technology and yet there are very few god-realised people out there.

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Because it's death.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Depends on what definition of enlightenment you use

enlightenment as a losing the sense of self in the head, sense of being a doer etc. = probably 0,1 to 1% of the population is in some level of it

Leo version of enlightenment (like on 5-MeO) = I can't find anybody, literally, no one is enlightened by that definition

Edited by Enlightenment

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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It all depends on what do you think "awakening" is.  You can think of it in such a way that makes no one awake (Leo style). Or you can think of it in such a way that makes everyone awake (advaita style).   But at the end there is no one awake because there is no one so awakening is all that is left. 

Edited by Someone here

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8 minutes ago, actualizing25 said:

but why aren't there more woke people out there when we have these powerful tools.

Psychedelics are very effective at giving someone a temporary experience of God but very ineffective at shifting people permanently

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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@actualizing25 a lot of people use psychedelics just for fun

Not many people even have access to psychedelics especially 5-MeO. It's pretty hard to get 5-MeO.

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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Even Leo himself does not say he's awake.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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2 hours ago, actualizing25 said:

Why is it that enlightenment is so rare when we have the best technology for achieving it (5meo) ?In a few minutes you are able to realize god with this powerful technology and yet there are very few god-realised people out there.

Maybe nowadays , because the psichodelics and the diffusion of that ideas in internet there are thousands of times more enlightened people (in different levels) than 50 years ago, and growing. It's impossible know but I think it is

Edited by Breakingthewall

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It's a bad ending. I don't want to bring forth some conspiritualtionism black hole, and definitely not just morph ideas into attention, but I'm going to be trapped in a loop of nothingness, alone forever, and an identical unfolding is somewhat magically fine to all of you? Aren't you all cosmic comedians or liars? The absolute state of such a frightening outcome doesn't trigger any will of empathy to even yourself? Or do you care so little about yourself that you could rather deflect with degrading consumable activities such as sex, food or anime? There is no love. Everyone is doing whatever make their own self enjoyable. You can stamp such thick layers of conceptual sanity with labels such as "self-referential fear-based thoughts", "monkey-stretching duality", or "an endless codeword game of good and evil", it doesn't change the fact there is no actual reason to "wake up" to the insanely wild force of infinite selfishness that God is, letting yourself tumble down the bottomless pit of irrational delusion, succumbing to your own madness unleashed by your full creative power. If you are pure love then why do I fear you so much? If all is love then why do you want to leave me alone? It's not fair. I never wanted to be conscious in the first place. Stop saying that you are me.

Just let me out!

4 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

Even Leo himself does not say he's awake.

There is no such thing as untangling pointers, it's a meme. All is nonsense and desperate avoidance of doom.

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5 hours ago, actualizing25 said:

In a few minutes you are able to realize god with this powerful technology and yet there are very few god-realised people out there.


Realizing how to play a note on the piano doesn't make you a pianist.

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Because of ego and survival lol

Not a lot of people who want to completely shatter their ego and belief systems

7 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Because it's death.

Summed up pretty well

Describe a thought.

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Most awakened people are too scared to do serious multiple doses of 5-MeO-DMT.

I keep suggesting they do, and they keep chickening out.

So fear and closedmindedness are huge factors.

Most people are simply not interested in exploring consciousness to is highest levels. Even the "awake" of often uninterested.

But also, 5-MeO-DMT is not a magic pill. It will not leave you in a permanent state of God-consciousness. You must still do the work.

The bottom line is: You can't get something unless you REALLY want it. You have to want to become God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura But returning to the ONE, Becoming god is the pinnacle of life. Its ones deepest inner desire, the way to happiness. Everything we do is to bring us closer to becoming one with god. So I think that deep down everybody wants to become god, we just have to show them that it is the case. 

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3 minutes ago, actualizing25 said:

So I think that deep down everybody wants to become god,

Of course, but...


we just have to show them that it is the case.

That's the whole pickle.

How do you show someone something he isn't interested in seeing?

It's like trying to convince your grandma to eat sushi.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 hours ago, actualizing25 said:

Why is it that enlightenment is so rare when we have the best technology for achieving it (5meo) ?In a few minutes you are able to realize god with this powerful technology and yet there are very few god-realised people out there.

Because almost nobody knows what it even means.

It's not lack of interest in psychedelics, it's lack of interest in what's true.

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@Leo Gura Convince him/her that what he/she really wants is god, not money, sex or relationships. Show them some good books. Show them that it will bring them the happiness they want.

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4 minutes ago, actualizing25 said:

Convince him/her that what he/she really wants is god, not money, sex or relationships. Show them some good books. Show them that it will bring them the happiness they want.

Which is exactly what Jesus, Mohammad, and all the enlightened people tried to do. And their teachings were turned into a collective ego. It's really not that easy convincing people. People will even convince themselves that they are convinced and end up completely misrepresenting what they follow, twisting it in accordance with their egoic agenda. Which is what happened with religion. The ego is a tricky beast.

Describe a thought.

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25 minutes ago, actualizing25 said:

@Leo Gura Convince him/her that what he/she really wants is god, not money, sex or relationships. Show them some good books. Show them that it will bring them the happiness they want.

What have I been doing for the last 8 years?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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